November 29, 2011

I Still Pray

I still pray.

Not in the way I used to pray, nor with an obligation.

My prayers now are more like thoughts, a communing with my heart, asking it how it feels and what it needs. Then asking the universe from time to time for something special, just so I know I'm present. I don't necessarily ask for anything specific; but rather, an unexpected connection of some sort. The "answer" then comes in the form of an animal, a song, an email, a person I meet. Serendipity.

When certain people come to my mind, I often "pray." I wish them well, at least most of them.

I thought of an old Way song today. Part of the words go, "Sometimes, I forget that I've been given, my life's dream." It's easy to forget, when things move too fast.


Jon said...

Nice post. Thanks

oneperson said...

Thanks Jon. :)

Keli said...

Very beautiful post..:)

Very nice..:)

We all pray in one way,or another.I have also changed how I pary over the years.I talk to those I miss when alone.

You have alot of great articles here,and write so beautifully.


oneperson said...

Thank you Keli!

And nice to meet your cyber-acquaintance.
