September 4, 2009

Journal Entry: Each Voice Matters

8/28/09 11:38 pm Woodstock/Bearsville, NY

I'm here, at the Authentic Writing Workshop. It is such an honor to hear the stories of these peoples' lives. So much rich history, depth of life, poignant present, unknown future. Each attendee has a strength that inspires.

Fred facilitates with integrity and a humble brilliance and grace hewn by years of experience. He isn't above the attendees, he is one of us, attending to his own story, sharing it, the same as each of us. I feel that my voice matters. I feel my response to others matters; it matters. It matters. Each voice matters.


Matter. Matter has form and shape and texture. Art.

Matter. Each voice matters; each voice has form and shape and texture. Art.

A bond is made with these faces. The laughs, the tears, the accents, the inflections, the lives, the histories, the present. I'd love to read each person's life's essays. This is what makes the world go round. People as individuals.

Thanks for letting me live. I treasure breath.



Fred Poole said...

I would like to say that what you write here humbles me, but the fact is it is a great counter to humility!

Fuck the begrudgers! Full speed ahead!

oneperson said...

Big smile and chuckle here!

And a big "AMEN!" Ha!

Love and blessings to you and Marta, Tamar and the other critters... :-)