Seeking Life Along The Way: A journey story...


(Click here to read about The Way International)

In 2007 and 2008, two to three years after leaving The Way International, I wrote a narrative about my spiritual journey which is the foundation for my story linked below in four parts. 

It's a long read. But, in another sense, not. It covers over forty years.

I use the past tense when describing The Way even though some of what I describe is still currently applicable to The Way.

I hope the narrative gives a glimpse (1) of some of the reasons folks join 'cults' or similar groups, (2) of consequences that can result from following authoritarian and elitist groups, and (3) that even decades-long true-believers can change.

I got involved with The Way International in September 1977, at the age of eighteen and exited 28 years later in October 2005, at the age of forty-six.

Thank you for visiting toss and ripple... 

The journey continues...

My Story: Seeking Life Along The Way...

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