September 27, 2010

The Greater Common Factor

Almost everyday for the past (almost) couple months, I awake and am met with anxiety and dread, "What do I do about this?" "This" being something that, for the moment, will simply remain "this."

I've written a fair amount about part of the "this," a situation that happened almost a couple months ago. But much of that material is not currently public and may never be. Part of the "this" is that I found myself in a(nother) relationship web where false accusations were being thrown around and where, in the end, someone I trusted turned.

One may say, regarding these webs, "Well, Carol you are the common factor." That is true. I have stated the same thing. I am a common factor. I must look at my contribution to the situations.

The other common factor? The similar situations happened with people who were once involved in high-control groups. This has happened to me five(?) times now since leaving The Way. (Slow learner perhaps?) In one sense, The Way was kinder than these five scenarios. That doesn't mean I now endorse The Way.

So do I avoid relationships with ex-cult people? No. My closest friends are folks who were once involved in "cults."

So the common factor may not be the involvement-with-cults factor but may be how people (me included) have processed and continue to process through our experience(s) not only with the involvement-with-cults factor, but with the experiences of life itself.

Plus other people, never in cults, go through this same stuff.

I think the greater common factor is humanity.


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