May 1, 2011

A thought away...

I sit down to write, but not sure what I will write or if I will click "publish post" - as is often the case when I put fingers to the keyboard.

Perhaps this will be like a journal entry. thinks so.

I read poetry last night. It's been awhile since I've indulged in poetry. I was again drawn into that magical place of thoughts without borders. A place where imagination and interpretation can roam.

Some might say that is evil. What if the person reading interprets text as literal? Such as in the Bible where Matthew 5:30 states, "If thy right hand offend thee, cut it off..."

I learned recently about a young man who did just that; he cut off his hand. My heart drops (an understatement) even as I write those words.

I don't know for sure yet why the man performed such an act. Yet when I brought up the cut-off-thy-hand scripture in the conversation about the tragedy, the young man's acquaintances responded that he was religious - often in an extreme manner.

That is a risk we take with the freedom of thought - the risk of evil or harmful intentions, motives, actions.

Is there more evil in the world or more good?  If we had a balance scale and could compare the two, which side would weigh heavier?

I tend to think there is more good but that the evil gets more attention because it is more sensational. It saturates and satiates the senses causing our biology to emit hormones of intensity.

Well, can't good do that too - emit hormones of intensity yet with a different outcome? It can.

Too much of either will take its toll on our bodies and souls.

The young man will have to learn to function without his hand. He'll have to learn how to deal with the question folks will ask, "How did you injure your arm, if you don't mind me asking?"

Well, I never imagined that would come off my keyboard today.


TC said...

It's funny how the question whether or not to post comes up, or if what we write is terrible etc. I'm working on giving my self space to be whatever I am at the moment (not that this frequently happens.) I wrote a poem last week and kept saying to myself how grade school angsty it sounded - no WAY could I post it. It doesn't matter in the end, though. It was quite therapeutic and I think I got in touch with a younger part of myself (luckily a part that won't cut of her hand!) I'm glad all of this came off of your keyboard today!

oneperson said...

Thank you for finding your way here TC...and for reading and commenting.

It seems a continual struggle for me...the gremlins in my head that want to point fingers and judge. Glad I can feel the fear and do it anyway. ;)

I just visited your blog. Keep up the great healing work!!

Thanks again TC,