March 25, 2009

About This Blog, I

Addendum, September, 2010: The entries on toss & ripple continue to be about the life of an ex-cult devotee, past and present, though sometimes it may appear that a blog entry has nothing to do with 'cultic life or influence.' And that may be so; life isn't separate from its breath. Yet, I've learned (and continue to learn) that the dependent mindset that can become so ingrained in one's core from decades of conformity, is not easily adapted into healthy interdependence and autonomy. And it isn't so much the triggers that are problematic, but the more subtle core beliefs that pump quietly through the veins and arteries, and suddenly one finds herself back in a maze that she thought she knew how to traverse.

For an ex-cult devotee, my story isn't spectacular; it's ordinary.

As this blog is developing (with my own evolvement) it has taken the path of writing about and researching the part of my life some people have suggested/advised that I 'move on' from or 'replace'. That is my 28-year involvement with The Way International and even more years as a 'true believer.'

I'm coming to see that I can't move on from or replace that. It is as intricate to my life as my breath; dare I say, as childbirth. The Way and my experiences course through my veins. If I bleed out, I die. If I deny it, I suffocate.

So, I write for myself to embrace that part of life and to honor it. I want to see the experiences for what they were and are.

Perhaps in the process of sharing these thoughts & memoirs others can have a peek into the mindset of a cult follower/true believer: before, during, after, and rediscovering.

Perhaps I can be a voice, however small and unheard, for those who continued with The Way for decades or may still be a follower in The Way, yet who feel an alienation from themselves.

Perhaps I can be a voice for people who are in other groups similar to The Way.

Or for folks who experience re-abuse within an anti-cult 'support' group. That seems to occur to quite a few ex-followers; they go somewhere for support and discover a similar black/white mindset.

One person's words or deeds that may seem so insignificant and small can have a profound effect when tossed upon the fluid landscape of consciousness and culture.

I believe each person's life is significant and that us humans behave the way we do for reasons, sometimes unknown even to ourselves.

There are no non-persons; there are no non-events.

Thanks for visiting!

Eventually by Carole King: Eventually lyrics

note: I wanted to name this blog Piper's Ponderings based on my poetry pen name, but Piper's Ponderings was taken. So I decided upon toss & ripple, based on a poem I wrote and because I believe in the ripple effect. 

Related link:
About this blog II


Anonymous said...

Thanks for all you do Carol!

I do think that any religious leader should take a type of hippocratic (sp?) oath...."first I shall do no harm..." Abusive, controlling religion DOES harm, a whole lot of it. :(

I get so much out of your hits nerves, it's REAL.

Keep up your wonderful writing! I sure hope that others will escape from the "Borg" of abusive religion.

April Galamin - Griffiths

oneperson said...

Thanks for all you do April!

Seems that would be a good thing, a Hippocratic Oath for ministers. I wonder if there is such a thing?

I looked up the etymology of the ancient physician's name. It means "horse power" from the Greek 'hippos' and 'kratos.' An oath with horse power. Ha!