October 7, 2009

Slates and Walls

Trust.  Protectors.  Thought police.  Judgmentalism.  Authoritarians.  Honesty.  Mothers.  Originators.  Relationships.  Humanity.

A mouthful of words.  A body-full of thoughts, emotions, observations, questions.

When one touts that they are honest; are they?  When one touts they know what is best for another, do they?  When one boasts these things, yet they themselves state that people can't be trusted; can the touter be trusted?

These kinds of questions have been running through my head for a couple weeks.

I read on a blog this morning where the author states that honesty their "gig."   Because of my (and at least one other person's)  past interactions with the author, I question their claim.  I currently choose not to interact with the person.  Maybe some day that will change; time will tell.  That said, I recognize that they also are part of the two-legged race.

In contrast, I had a conversation this afternoon with a good friend, Dawson, who is as honest a person as I know; yet, he doesn't tout his honesty nor give unsolicited advice nor act as thought patrol or protector nor is judgmental (in the self-righteous sense) of others.  I trust Dawson, not to be perfect or without error, but rather to take me as I am understanding that I too am human; part of this complex species. 

As he and I were conversing on the phone I looked over at my bookshelf.  There were three books Dawson had sent me over a year ago, three books I want to read but haven't gotten to yet.  Until today.  It's time for another academic book; I've mainly been reading memoir the past few months.

The Blank Slate by Steven Pinker.  I've only read the Preface so far.  Yet am excited to dig further.  It will take me some time to get through the book.  I am currently reading a couple other memoirs as well.

The Preface substantiated some of my thoughts as of late, thoughts I don't know if I can yet or will be able to articulate, but that relate to what I have stated in this blog.  The last sentence in the Preface section (before the acknowledgments) states, regarding people for whom the book is for:

And it is for those who recognize that the sciences of mind, brain, genes and evolution are permanently changing our view of ourselves and wonder whether the values we hold precious will wither, survive, or (as I will argue) be enhanced.

It is the last few words that cause a surge in my soul, that inspires, that motivates, that whets my appetite, that causes my heart to soar.  Hope.  Wonderful, magical hope.  "I want to believe in humanity," to quote Carole King.

I look forward to the 'argument' Pinker will put forth in The Blank Slate.


What is one of the commonalities I can articulate regarding the people/relationships in my life that possess some of the characteristics mentioned above?  Self-righteousness.  I too have played the role at times, and may again....but hopefully not as often. 

Another Brick in the Wall

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