November 13, 2009

Ghost Writing in Reverse

The past week or so, I've been struggling with my writing.

This past Wednesday night, in the Authentic Writing Workshop, my struggle continued.  After the workshop, I was still struggling.

So, I closed my eyes (again) and asked myself, "What is it Carol?  Why isn't the writing flowing?"

I got a couple insights, that perhaps may be part of the issue.

1)  For the past couple weeks, much of my writing has been approached with an end in mind, like I'm trying to prove something or write to some sort of expectation.  Typically I write memoir and poetry with a beginning in mind and then see where the strands take me.  If I write with the end in mind,'s different.  That kind of writing I do in a narrative or an article-type piece.  Sometimes I might write like that with memoir, but not typically.  Ta da!  I'll just see where my next memoir piece takes me.

2)   I want to write memoir about certain experiences which took place on an internet online forum.    Since these incidents happened online, there is only one sense involved (of the general five senses) and that is sight.  There are no shapes and colors (other than the words on the computer screen), smells or tastes, voices high or low.  I am endeavoring to write about a world that seems like fiction; yet it isn't.  There are real people behind these keyboards, but they have screen names such as Bulwinkle or Dandy Rose or Spaghetti.  One may never know their real name, their 3-D name, the name they use everyday at work or play in the world of the other senses. Part of my challenge is to take this 2-D world, that is like another realm and write concretely about it.

It's kind of like a cousin to ghost writing....and I'm not the ghost....


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