January 19, 2011

Soap Dispensers

The more I hear of Knapp's antics, the more I think he is a con-artist. Tonight I again feel vindictiveness. It will pass as it always does.

Why do people whom Knapp has hurt with his manipulations give him a pass? They see Knapp as someone concerned about the healing of abuse victims.

Well, sure he is.

And leaders in The Way are genuinely concerned about delivering people from the clutches of the devil and bringing wholeness to all. The Way espouses such, and its followers are sincere in such.

But at what cost?

When is excusing or dismissing harms for the greater good acceptable?

I see no true healing in such.

Healing comes with openness, with all parties having defenses down to look at what is true, head on. All parties owning up to their error, even owning up to manipulations.

On the other hand, "healing" isn't dependent on the other party. Hm. Perhaps a better word for my previous paragraph is "restoration" instead of "healing." "Re-store," to again have sufficient supply. Brings to mind the word "re-member," to bring memory and even members back together.

It reminds me of a statement and question I've posed to some Way-doctrine followers who dismiss the injurious actions of the now-deceased founding president of The Way International, Victor Paul Wierwille. My statement and question has been, "The Bible doesn't hide the dark side of its prophets. Why hide or choose to dismiss the dark side of Dr. Wierwille?"

I know at least part of what my answer as a loyal follower was:

I'm not hiding or dismissing them. Doctor was human, like all of us. Only God knows the depth of Doctor's soul and all the circumstances surrounding Doctor's actions. God looks on the heart. As Psalm 103 states, God's mercy is great toward them that respect and reverence God. God is our Father and he casts our sins as far as the east is from the west, remembering them no more. Who am I to remember Doctor's sins?

God chose to record certain prophets' sins in His Word, for our learning. God didn't choose to record Doctor's sins. And how am I to know that Doctor even committed the stuff that some say he did? Doctor's dead and he can't speak for himself. Like all of us, Doctor will stand before God one day and all will be brought to light. God is the judge, not me. Plus, all my interactions with Doctor were tender and healing. Even if he did commit some of the acts that people accuse him of, his life had a deep and healing impact on me, and tens of thousands of others.

Sounds nice and forgiving.

Hardly. It brushes aside victims' lives as though they are non-persons.

As I've said before, in any so-called service/support organization, if people are expendable, therein the organization is fraudulent.

Dare I add that if that expenditure is rationalized, the dispenser is corrupt?

"Dispenser." Brings to mind soap, which washes the outside so we are presentable and even smell nice. Kind of like deodorant.

One of my favorite brands of soap is "Kiss My Face."

Note, 6/29/11: I replaced the pseudonym "Jarod" with the real name, "Knapp."
Note: To access an ongoing index, click here and scroll down to the section entitled June 26, 2011.


Chris Schumerth said...

Don't know who Jarod is, but I agree with your assessment. Healing AND restoration call for honesty. The truth sets us free, and yes, the Bible is quite free-flowing with the sin and humanity of its characters. There was a time when I really questioned the Bible's authorities, and that characteristic was one of the main reasons I chose to trust it.

oneperson said...

Hey Chris... :-)

Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

I'm chewing on that last sentence of yours. I don't think I've ever heard anyone state that, at least in the way you stated it.

It simply leaves me nodding and thinking.

A thought regarding perfectionism crosses my mind. I realized a couple years ago that the one thing I am (and all of us are) perfect at, is imperfection.

Good to *see* you! :)


April Galamin said...

Well said!

It's not right to pretend that abuses didn't occur. I guess in many cultic groups the code of silence is of more importance than facing reality & the TRUTH of what happens in the group.

I think too, that over time the members just dull themselves because to really THINK about what is going on may cause someone to realize they may have to CHANGE...which could lead one to have to face the hardships of leaving the comfort zone of the Borg.
just my .02 worth.
Love ya girl ;)

oneperson said...

Hey April!

Your comment brought to mind a section from the book "The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse." The section had something to do with how much one has invested in the group...or in a relationship. The more we are invested, the harder it can be to accept things aren't as we think or had hoped they were.

Love you too!!