February 28, 2012

entry ~ chin up

(February, 2012: Working on indexing/categorizing pieces I've blogged. Transferring this piece from my once-public blog, versions.)

November 25, 2009

Rough day.  Not horrible.  Plenty to be thankful for.  Just that energy is low.  Headache.  Flu-type symptoms. Foggy headedness.  Want to cocoon.

In 2000ish when I was diagnosed with a herniated disc, confirmed with an MRI, and I decided to approach the ailment from an emotional angle, with the support and care of my osteopath, I made up a jingle to get me going and whenever a spasm would try to spaz.

Stand up straight; stand up tall
Let my back know I'm in control
Stand up straight and stand up tall
Let my back know I'm in control

Of course I'd also examine if there was something I wasn't handling emotionally and I applied my daily study and writing, etc.,

I've thought of doing the same with my hormone symptoms that still moan.

Stand up tall; walk right out
Don't let my hormones make me pout
Stand up tall and walk right out
Don't let my hormones make me pout

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