February 3, 2012

Expectations: The law of believing

AWW ~ 2/01/12
non-subject: expectations


Dr. Wierwille taught truths from the scriptures:
"Believing equals receiving."
"Confession of receipt yields receipt of confession."
"You are where you are today because of your believing."
"Believing works for saint and sinner alike."
"Negative believing is believing in reverse."
"You know what killed that little boy? It was the fear in the heart of the life of that mother."

After all Romans 10:10 and 11 state: "For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation [or wholeness]. For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed [shall not be disappointed in their expectation]."

I learned about the "law of believing" as I sat through class after class - the same classes over and over all on cassette tapes. Or if we had believed sufficiently so that our believing enabled us to register at least the minimum amount of new students, we would qualify for a video class. "We" being the believers in a local Branch area or Twig fellowship.

I learned about the "law of believing" as I put away all other reading material except for the Word and Ministry publications. I studied the "collaterals" alongside my Bible. All the collaterals were books written by Doctor. They were called "collaterals" because they were accompaniments to the Word. We in the household of God didn't use commentaries; commentaries were man's interpretation of the Word. We were taught that the Word interprets itself. Commentaries could be useful, but one always had to discern truth from error. To be able to discern truth from error, one had to first know the truth. The collaterals taught how the Word interprets itself. The collaterals taught how to know the truth. The collaterals taught how to rightly divide, or straightly cut, the Word of God.

There was only one right and accurate cutting of that Word. Like II Timothy 2:15 says, we were to be "workman of the Word" studying to show ourselves "approved unto God" so as "not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth." I wonder if that word "ashamed" in II Timothy 2:15 is the same Greek word "ashamed" that is used in Romans 10:11? I could look it up later using my Bible concordance and Greek lexicon, two other tools the Ministry taught me how to use.

Most believers seemed to really like the first book in the collateral series which was entitled The Bible Tells Me So, affectionately called "the Blue Book" because the color of the book was blue. I wonder why the Ministry chose blue for the first collateral? I really liked the third book in the collateral series. It was entitled The Word's Way and was red and brown, but no one called it "the red book."

I learned about the "law of believing" as I began to run scripture retemories over and over and over in my mind. After all, the way to "build my believing" was with the Word of God. Romans 10:17 states: "Faith [or believing] cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God." Proverbs states: "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he."

So the more I thought the Word and heard the Word, the more I got that Word into my heart and the bigger my believing. If I thought it and heard it enough, it would sink within my heart and my believing would grow. The bigger my believing, the better I could hear God's voice and bring deliverance to God's people.

I learned about the "law of believing" as I put the word into action in my life by not allowing my five senses or how I felt to guide me. If my senses told me one thing and the Word told me something else, I chose the Word; I "put the Word on."

Believing the Word meant acting on what the Word said.

Like the time in the Way Corps when I and an assigned partner hitchhiked from Emporia, Kansas, to LEAD Outdoor Academy in Tinnie, New Mexico, in November, in the frigid weather as I battled a cough and asthma. As Way Corps, we only had so many hours allotted us to arrive at our destination. If we failed, we had to turn around and hitchhike back to Kansas. If we failed, we failed because our believing wasn't sufficient enough.

I was not going to be ashamed; that is, I was believing and thereby would not be disappointed in my expectation. My partner and I would make it to Tinnie on time, even if I did have asthma symptoms in the frigid cold. By acting on the Word and going to LEAD in spite of my asthma, I was believing. My body would be healed. "Confession of receipt yields receipt of confession."

My partner and I missed the allotted time frame by a few minutes; we failed. We had to turn around and hitchhike back to Kansas. We weren't able to attend the LEAD outdoor rock climbing session.

I was disappointed in my expectation, so I must not have been believing. But by missing the time frame, I missed the seven days and nights in the frigid cold in the wilderness mountains of New Mexico. Frigid cold plus asthma plus wilderness could equal death or at the least, trauma.

I continued to suffer with asthma for the next fifteen plus years. But I still claimed God's healing.

I didn't want to be ashamed.


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