June 2, 2016

Grandfather Fir at Grayson Highlands, 6/01/16...

I took a day trip to Grayson Highlands yesterday, 6/01/16.

I went to visit a tree.

I had previously named the tree "Grandfather Spruce." But I realized yesterday, he's a Fraser Fir. So now, his name is "Grandfather Fir." He resides along the mountainside on the south side of Massie Gap on the Rhododendron Trail.


On Thursday, January 29, 2015, I took a day trip to Grayson, and I prayed to Grandfather Fir. My prayer at the time was simple, "Heal my limbs..."

As I whispered those three words, the sole human standing on the snow-frosted mountainside with the cold winter wind kissing my cheeks, gazing up at that tall, strong, graceful Evergreen, more words immediately followed. "You have limbs. Strong. Durable. Limbs. Heal my limbs."

It was at that point, I began my intimate relationship with Trees who have become my living witnesses. Sometimes they cradle me as I ride Olivia through the woods, or as I walk when I'm able, or as I just sit or lay and notice them.

On June 10, 2015, almost five months after that January 29, 2015, prayer, I added Charlotte's Web Hemp Extract to my therapy. In July, 2015, my limbs began coming back to life.

I guesstimate that currently my legs are about 45 to 50% better and my arms about 35 to 40% better compared to this time last year.

And...I've thought of that tree...and my prayer to it.

Does that mean I believe trees answer prayers? Maybe so! :D

Beginning in the fall, 2015, symptoms have spread to my back, neck, and jaws; along with shortness of breath and 5-weeks of dizziness (probably orthostatic hypotension).

So yesterday I took a trip to talk to Grandfather Fir about my "trunk" and "crown." He has a trunk and crown...I want to borrow his strength.

Maybe my trunk and crown will respond like my limbs have. Wouldn't that be Groot great! :D


My pictures are taken with my old iPhone 4.

Wild daisies among young domestic Fraser firs. Tucker Road.

Grandfather Fir 

Grandfather Fir's above-ground roots

One of the Fraser fir families, heading north toward Massie Gap.

Feral chestnut pony galloping 

Fabio chasing the chestnut

Fabio in motion

Feral pony nuzzling feral ponkey in Massie Gap Meadow

At the border of Grayson Highlands and Jefferson National Forest.
I was able to hike 2.25 miles.
I'm proud of that too!
I met one AT thru-hiker whose trail name is Quiet.

~ magical day ~


Denise said...

Love this story and your photos. You go girl!!!!~

oneperson said...

Thanks Denise!

April said...

<3 <3 i teared up reading this...i love the pic of grandfather tree with the roots!!I have often seen trees in my mind as the circulatory system of the earth. The roots remind me of veins and arteries.. LOL I also think you have a better chance of a tree hearing your prayer, than any "god". ;) I LOVE YOU

oneperson said...

Circulatory system of the earth. That's cool. :)
Haha on the tree hearing the prayer. Could be! :D
Thanks April!
Love you too... <3