July 4, 2016

"What is Truth?"

This morning I read the question, "What is Truth?" The author posing the question then answers the question by quoting something that Jesus allegedly said, that God's Word is truth.

I thought about the question, leaving Jesus aside.
Carol, what is Truth?
Truth is the opposite of a lie. Lies are fables. 
Truth then must be reality, life as it is including events that really happen(ed), and not fables. 

Both fables and reality claim facts and circumstances and motives. The difference is that one story really happened or happens; the other didn't or doesn't. One is true; the other, false.

So I was left pondering reality as truth.


The author continues, "Truth is not relative."

I agree. Truth [reality] is not relative. Nothing trumps reality. Reality is. In a sense, it is the ultimate power and judge.

I believe that nature must be the closest example we have of reality [truth]. She plays no favorites. Nature is. We see her raw power on display, though the forces themselves may be invisible to the naked eye.

Human actions do have an effect on nature and her forces, and thus on reality. But ultimately we have to surrender to reality, facing consequences or blessings.


The author continues, "God expresses His will to us with words so that we can understand Him."

That sentence stopped me in my reading tracks.
Really?! God relegates the vastness and multi-layered aspects of truth [reality] to mere words on a page? That is how I can understand a universal creator? By reading words on a page?

My past Way-brain instantaneously reminded me that's really not what I learned or believed as a Way believer.
God's Word involves more than words on a page; it includes oral words and the Word in the flesh, Jesus. And God first wrote His Word not on a page, but rather in the stars, telling the story of redemption in the zodiac and beyond. Much of the meaning though is contained within the names of those stars which were all passed along orally until God later had to have his certain chosen prophets pen that revelation to have a document, a standard, because as the earth became/becomes more and more filled with people and as the adversary (the devil) worked/works more and more to deceive, humans need a written standard that they can always go back to as a touchstone. 

To make things even more constraining and complicated, the author then states, "It [the Word] can be rightly-divided by studying to show ourselves approved unto God, or used to purport the adversary's ideas. It can be understood and believed because it interprets itself in the verse, its context, or how it has been spoken of previously! Truth does not contradict itself from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21."

So now in order to understand a universal creator, who is God my Father, I have this written standard that I have to figure out? But I have to be diligent because it can be distorted into whatever way the devil wants in order to purport his lies?

And the whole spiel about the Word interpreting itself in the verse, in the context, and used before sounds like gobblygook. On the other hand, if one thinks about it, that is how written language works, along with definitions and multiple aspects that grammarians and linguists and sociologists and other "ists"  have studied.

Should I do the same with my kids? Give them my written standard and tell them to read it in order to know me and understand me, but be sure to interpret it properly because there's a devil who'll twist it? So my kids ask, "How do we know when he's twisting it?" I answer, "My motive is always love. So if it contradicts love, it's wrong. Just keep reading. And remember, it all has to fit with no contradictions."

All this feels like a straitjacket trying to squeeze the life right out of life.


As I continued to read the rest of the author's epistle on "What is Truth," I got to thinking (yet again) about myth and belief.
I guess from the time humans tried to start answering the question "Why?" they have surmised and calculated and invented "answers" to help cope through the hardships and turmoil and heartbreak and evil that life can pound. These answers form beliefs that, in addition to explaining the evil, give more meaning to the magic of life, the inexplicable happenstances, the beauty, the power of nature and the cosmos.

So it's about survival. Trying to cope with and explain life.
And we cling to that which resonates for us -- our beliefs.
That resonance is different for different people.
Beliefs can be good, as long as those beliefs aren't used to manipulate and harm, which is sadly too often the case.


I often wonder, What do I really believe?

I believe there are forces, unseen and still undiscovered, that can cause circumstances to appear as if they are supernatural. I do not believe these yet undiscovered forces or their resulting impacts are any more supernatural than the current discoverable forces of nature, which are beyond incredible. Humans have not yet even conceived of measuring tools to illuminate these yet undiscovered currents or forces. And once we invent those tools, there'll probably still be a multitude of yet undiscovered layers.

I wonder if we'll ever stop trying to peer beyond?

I wonder if we'll come up with a belief measuring tool?
That's a scary thought.

Do I believe there is a benevolent creator behind those discovered-and-undiscovered forces?
I want to, but I still can't say for sure.
But I want to believe there is "something" and that I'll be delightfully surprised in the hereafter. 

Perhaps, nature is my "god" now.
I certainly hold her in great awe.
And I've taken up praying to trees.
I swear they hear me.

God's Acre, Bethabara


Anna Maria said...

An entertaining dissertation Carol and I think you unraveled that author's opinion of what "reality" and "truth" is in a nutshell. I've given the subjects lots of thought and came to the conclusion truth is what we individually accept it to be and reality is the moment and our surroundings we are personally in at any given time. I also agree none of us know for certain whether or not there is a "divine" creator behind the existence of everything. "Mother Nature" is who I speak silently to in prayer and I do believe I have been heard. Best Wishes! I hope you are feeling well and are out and about.

oneperson said...

Thanks for reading through my gobblygook Anna! lol

I've edited this piece umpteen times since Monday...trying to convey my thought processes. Words don't come easy for me most days these days. Delayed recall or something. :D But I'm known to edit a lot anyway. As my saying goes, "Is there ever a final draft?"

"..truth is what we individually accept it to be and reality is the moment and our surroundings we are personally in at any given time." That's a meaty quote. Love the definition regarding reality.

"Truth" is a nebulous type word to me, at least in part from my previous decades of indoctrination and the contortions invented to make the doctrine (the "truth") "fit."

I'm doing okay, thank you. I've been on a pet sitting marathon which started June 8 and continues through July 10...at which time I will collapse. I'm taking a week off beginning July 12. I need it!

Also, my "bad weeks" will begin July 11 or July 18. Depends on how long my neck injections from 6/27 last - 2 or 3 weeks. I dread those weeks. :/ (Next epidural is 8/08. It will be number 13 since January, 2014.)

I do have some news on the health front. It might be ultimately good news...but what I have to go through to get to the good is not good at all.

It appears that my recalled hip is defective and has slowly been leeching cobalt and chromium into my body. I had my levels checked mid-June and since November, 2012, they have gone up -- one over 65% and the other over 90%. Heavy metals can be a cause of nerve damage. I get the hip out, stop the leeching, maybe I can get well. Mabye.

Since the levels were "normal" at the end of 2012, I thought I was in the clear as far as anything being wrong with my recalled hip. I had no idea I was to keep an eye on those levels.

So, if that is the case, I have to go through another hip surgery. Which will be more complicated this time round due to my nerve damage. Well, I don't know if the surgery will be more complicated, but the recovery will be. :/ I still haven't talked with the hip surgeon since I got the lab results...but that's a long story.

I've been quite angry and anxious over the shituation (new word), which is understandable.

When I know something more definitive, I'll post a blog piece about it. I'll have to close my pet sitting business for 6 months when I get the surgery.

And yes, I'm gonna get a lawyer.

I do not look forward to any of this, at all. It's been quite anxiety provoking for me.

Well...that's how I am! :D

If you get back to read this comment...I hope you are well and that the new procedure you underwent is working well?

Best wishes back! <3

Zoe said...

<3 "shituation" - oh I am going to use that one!

Sorry about the hip. :( Leeching. I have not heard of that with hip replacements.

Think of you often.

oneperson said...

Thank you Zoe!

Glad you like the new word. :D

I do not know if other brands of metal hips can leech. I'm thinking that maybe they can? It's one of my questions when I see the surgeon on 7/22.

He did call me Friday...thank the universe. I was really having anxiety, understandably. He'd been on vacation for the Fourth. He told me that even though my metals have gone up, typically for people who have widespread nerve damage like me, the levels are 10x higher. So, he doesn't think the metals are the cause of my nerve damage. But they are probably the cause of my left hip specific symptoms.

Regardless, the hip is coming out. I have to schedule the surgery 3 to 4 weeks after an epidural because those are my strongest weeks. I hope we can do it the end of August or beginning of September. If not, I'll have to wait until November. The sooner the better for me.

I get an MRI 7/20. See the surgeon 7/22. My next epidural is scheduled for 8/08. Once I know something more definitive, I'll respond here or I may write a blog post at some point.

My hip is on voluntary recall and the manufacturer is supposed to cover all associated patient out of pocket costs, which they did for my yearly rechecks after the recall. (Prior to June, 2016, my last recheck was November, 2012.) People have also received compensation beyond the medical costs. I'm waiting to hear back from a lawyer.

I think of you often too! I hope you are doing okay...well I hope you are doing great, but I understand that "okay" is often the best it gets. <3

I see Speedy tortoise today and tomorrow. I'm gonna talk with him about my upcoming surgery. I'll be sure to tell him hello from Zoe! :)

zoe said...

my goodness - wonder how many have been recalled?

recalled - sounds so impersonal - until you realize each of those is attached to a person - recalled people :(

Speedy & you makes me smile

not great but okay :) - not the stress you are currently undergoing

see the ortho 7/25 - bone healed & splint off i hope - physio on hand going well

oneperson said...

Speedy sends wishes for a speedy recovering for Zoe! He gave some to me too. ;)

I recall that you had fallen, but couldn't recall the exact body parts that were affected. Glad to read that the bone is healed and splint off soon! Yay! :)

I haven't read much about the hip recalls. Since I thought I was in the clear and because had so many other big issues going on at the time of the recall, I simply put the subject in a file in my head.

And now here it is. I still haven't read much and don't know if I will. It's just too much to wrap my head around right now. I want to learn what I need to know via the surgeon and lawyer. I'm sure I'll read up on it as this whole thing sinks in. I think I've just been in shock and disbelief about it the last couple weeks.

I did just google it again to find a number about how many have been recalled. According to Wiki...93,000 of these hips were implanted. So I guess 93.000 were recalled. Here's a link to Wiki article. It looks like the last update was 2014? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010_DePuy_Hip_Recall

Yes, it was very strange when I got the call in 2010 from the surgeon. He made the call himself, which I liked. I'm sure he did that with all his patients...and I feel sure he must have hated having to make a phone call like that. Uugh.

I've sent the news to most of my pet clients, that I'll have to close for up to 7 months. It still just feels like a bad dream. But I'm used to that now! lol

oneperson said...

I said I recall you had fallen...but now thinking about it...maybe it wasn't a fall? [At least I remembered that you had gotten injured and were on the mend. Yay me. ;) ]

Also, just realized that you won't know the status until 7/25. I'm hoping with you for bone healed and splint off! <3

zoe said...

figured the number would be high :( - bad dream - ugh

yes i fell down going up (stairs) - think there is a metaphor for life in there somewhere