May 11, 2015

Online. Offline. Freedom. Limbs. Red Rocks and the South Rim...

Outside the lines

I have become weary of online life.

Sometime sixish months ago I thought along the lines of (there's another "line" phrase!), "Social media feels like the new rat race. I want off the track."

I'm sure the so-called "rat race" exists in all sorts of environments, from religious retreats to Wall Street. The word "race" indicates competition. Competition gets tiring. Life is competition enough. But then being a rat is life, to a rat.

Oh my, I'm wandering and could go into a full ramble (regarding life, competition, rat race, human race, culture). But then I might miss getting out of my noggin what it is I was thinking about blogging.

My recent online weariness mixed with my health challenges, has put me on a side path, on the sidelines of (another "lines" word!) social media. And my blogs as well are on back burners.

Some months back I changed the settings on my public blogs to "not visible to search engines." In that same time period, I deleted my personal Twitter account. I've pondered whether or not to delete my personal Facebook account. For now, I'm keeping it. But I'm not checking on it as often, and I'm commenting on a limited basis.

Facebook can overwhelm me and I often feel tired (and not a good tired) when I log off after visiting Facebook.

And it's not just Facebook. Conversing in text has become wearisome for me.

I sometimes wonder if all this text communication has taken away some of my joy of writing. Maybe not, but I think it has had some effect. I do tire of looking at a screen...unless I'm watching XFiles, my current series kick.

And now I think of all my friends that communicate on Facebook and elsewhere via text, "What about the news in their lives? Don't I care?"

I do care. Maybe too much. And all that news overwhelms me; I simply don't have the energy to process it and respond how I would want to if the news came more slowly. I know I'm not alone in that feeling.

My focus these days is to keep my limbs mobile. I don't share that on Facebook because I don't want to get into a discussion about it. A long online discussion is not where I want to (or need to) put my energy.

In light of all that, I don't know how long my blogging sabbatical this time around will last. Nice thing is, I have the freedom to choose how much and if I want to engage and share online, or offline for that matter.

Freedom of choices. "Choices," plural. That causes me a big smile. There were decades in my life I felt I didn't have that kind of freedom. Choices were limited to, dictated by, "What does the Word say? Will this give glory to God?"

I've about finished reading the book Grandma Gatewood's Walk: The Inspiring Story of the Woman Who Saved the Appalachian Trail by Ben Montgomery. Grandma (Emma) Gatewood was the first woman to thru-hike the Appalachian Trail. The year was 1955; she was 67 at the time.

As I read the first paragraphs relaying the beginning of Emma's trail journey, at the end of each paragraph my noggin added the sentence, "And she didn't have a cell phone." Which led me to remembering life before cell phones, before computers, before voice mail, before answering machines. (Oh my, another ramble could tumble if I let it....)

On my health front:
  • I received my spinal injections on March 30.
  • The relief was sweet, though my arms didn't fare as well as they have in the past, especially my right arm. I'm training my left arm and hand to do tasks they are not oriented toward; my left is my less dominant.
  • I am now entering the more challenging weeks until my next round of injections in seven weeks on June 29. I have to wait 13 weeks this round; my doctor is on vacation during Week 12.
  • I began Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy last week.
  • In all activities/tasks involving movement of my body, I estimate that I'm one-and-one-half to three times slower than I was pre-polyradiculitis. It takes me 35 minutes to walk 1-1/4 miles on level ground. I'm very conscious of my limb movements.
  • On 4/24, I discovered a lump on my back at the base of my neck. I saw the neurologist on 4/30. On 5/01 I got a CAT scan and gave blood for lab work. All is good, which I figured it would be. The lump (which is smaller now), is probably just more fatty-like cysts that come and go with this condition. Or it might be the beginning of a "buffalo hump" which is another wonderful side effect of steroids, along with "moonface." I thought I could change my name to "buffalo moonface" and don a wide brim leather hat with feathers. ;)
  • My current focus is to keep my limbs mobile, my back straight, my head and eyes up, my heart happy; to laugh and move and sing every day.

Along the line of injections, Hubby and I went to Arizona for a week in April. It was during Week 3 post-injection. (My best post-injection weeks are typically Weeks 3 and 4.)

I've been thinking about writing a blog post or six about our trip, but I don't know if that will happen. Below are a few pictures. I'm still in process of getting the pictures on my computer and all labeled and in order.

Our time among the Red Rocks and at the Grand Canyon were magical. By the end of the week, those Red Rocks felt like home.

View from Fay Canyon Trail. Sedona, AZ. "Ruby City" (my term)  in the distance.

View from Kaibab Trail (I think it's Kaibab). Grand Canyon South Rim.

Bicycling the top of the world on rental bike, Ruby. Grand Canyon, South Rim.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures! Thanks for sharing. So glad you got to go. I agree about Facebook ... sometimes it wearies me reading it. Mother's Day was one such example ... and not really because I have never been a mother (never really wanted to be), but more because my mother died in 1992. Miss her every day!


Zoe said...

So good to hear from you. I actually woke up today thinking I should email you but wanted to respect your privacy and not invade your online space. I totally understand.

I saw Grandma Gatewood's Walk on amazon kindle & thought to buy it at some point and I thought of you. Might even have mentioned it but I wouldn't be able to remember if I did. :)

Stunning photos. I doubt I'll ever take a trip there so I do enjoy seeing the view from your perspective. Thanks for sharing them. <3

oneperson said...

Thank you Zoe!

I thought about emailing you at some point...just to let you know I was still here! ;) And look where I was though - busy seeing new lands. ;)

Thanks for "respecting [my] privacy and and not invading [my] online space."
I like how you worded that. You're good at that...wording things so others can relate. And if you ever want to email, please do. I may be slow as a turtle at responding. But I know you understand that too...totally. <3

Thanks for the kudos on the pics. I may post more in the future. It was such a magical trip. I even swayed in the rain, arms wide open, face to the heavens, standing on a Red Rock trail with no one around...and I cried...and I sang. "I dance in the rain; I let my dreams know I haven't forgotten them..." My only witnesses were the rocks and the plants and any wildlife hiding and the sky and the rain and the clouds and echoes of ancestral tones and... I think I have another blog post, or eleventy-leven at a time.

oneperson said...

Thank you SP!

I hear you. I looked at FB on Mother's Day and had to log out shortly afterward partly due to all the sentiments everyone was posting about or to their moms or someone's mom. It overwhelmed me, and I'm not quite sure why. I think it may mainly be that I prefer the quiet in remembering Mom and reflecting...or, if not the quiet, in small gatherings with family and/or friends.

Zoe said...

LOL! thinking of you dancing in the rain. Great image. :) Love the nod to the "ancestral tones" too.

You can write me to if you ever feel you have the energy. That door is always open to you. I'm not much of an emailer myself but still, just saying'. If you get to the point you need to, I'm here.

oneperson said...

Thanks Zoe!

Somehow I missed this comment before...or if I saw it, it didn't lodge in my gray matter.
