October 14, 2021

I want to be a peacemaker...

Recently I've been thinking about the term "likeminded, a term I do not use because of decades in a high-control religious cult which used the term often and in a way to keep followers loyal.

But I think I understand what folks in other genres are communicating when they use it; ie: having the same or similar values, and perhaps some (many?) use it as having the same/similar thoughts, ideas, solutions. 

I've thought about a replacement term for me. Perhaps "like-souled?"

I think our "minds" live through our whole bodies & radiate outward as well. The "mind" consists of thoughts, feelings, emotions,  intuitions, cellular memories, & more.

I ask myself, So Carol, how is "mind" different from "soul?" 

I think part of my answer is origins, a space from which all living beings (& perhaps inanimates too?) originate...a primordial oneness, in a sense. 

But then, What of the Hitlers in the world? Am I really like-souled with them? 

I must confess that, Yes. Somewhere I am.


What could be some other possible replacement terms for me? Like-pathed or like-planed or like-winged...?

Sojourners together...

And perhaps I can grow beyond the distaste of the word "likeminded" & learn to use it soulfully.

Somehow this ties into the subject of polarization and separation.

I like the term "compassionate curiosity."

I want to be a peacemaker...

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