January 23, 2025

TDS1 and TDS2...

TDS, or Trump Derangement Syndrome, is a derogatory term used by MAGA disciples to make fun of people who supposedly respond to Trump by displaying hysteria, overreactive anxiety and depression, paranoia, and more hysteria.

TDS isn't original. It's original predecessor, BDS or Bush Derangement Syndrome, was coined by Charles Krauthammer in 2003. He defined it as "the acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal people in reaction to the policies, the presidency—nay—the very existence of George W. Bush."


On Twitter-X, I sometimes read posts from MAGA disciples. Here are people (most who claim to be Christian and many who post anonymously) expressing anger and outrage via ridiculing another's physical appearance, name-calling, foul language, arrogance, and our baser human attributes. Would they express the same if they used their real names as opposed to hiding behind an anonymous handle?

Perhaps one reason a person may feel justified to regularly display their outrage in this way is because their dear leader does the same, thus normalizing this type behavior as a legitimate and appropiate (Christian) response to those who disagree with or criticize the doctrine or the leader. It's a group dynamic thing; I engaged in similar rationalization during my 28 years in a fundamentalist Bible cult. 

I've had the thought that these same MAGA folks who shout "TDS!" must suffer from Democrat Derangement Syndrome or Liberal Derangement Syndrome. I imagine others have thought that as well. As I thought about those labels today, I wanted something a bit more clever, playing off the TDS acronym. What about "Trump Disciple Syndrome?" Which brought me a chuckle. 

How would I define it? People who, at one time were understanding, empathic, and tender-hearted become fearful, easily offended, and rageful at those who disagree with Trump or call him to account.

Trump Derangement Syndrome can be TDS1.
Trump Disciple Syndrome can be TDS2.


I watched Trump's inauguration speech. I don't have either TDS1 or TDS2, but I found the speech disturbing. And I found myself, as I watched and listened, again feeling familiarity. It brought to mind Wierwille and Martindale, the first two presidents of The Way Internataional, and probably hit upon something a bit deeper -- the throes of indoctrination. 

One of The Way's main themes is Word Over the World, which really means Way Doctrine Over the World. As I watched Trump and then Sewell's preachy-prayer, I thought, Oh great. Now we have USA Over the World. 

But that's how the USA was founded. Colonization. Strip the native cultures away to "civilize" (Christianize) them. Then when Musk spoke later about planting a USA flag on Mars it became, USA over the solar system

Having stated the above, some with TDS2 may accuse me of suffering from TDS1. Fine, except that I'd have to disagree. I know all too well the symptoms of depression, anxiety, and paranoia. I first experienced those symptoms back in high school; they had nothing to do with politics. I have experienced them off and on since that time, but again, not due to national or world politics. That's not to say I haven't felt anger and even disgust at Trump's dehumanizing behavior and words. 

Trump says he's gonna drill baby drill. 
Will he do it responsibly, taking into account our dear planet's health? I doubt it, but maybe I'll be surprised. (I hope so.) 
With more fracking, will Earth respond with more earthquakes? 
With more drilling, how much more oil will be spilled in our precious, already suffering oceans? 
Will RFK Jr. speak up on behalf of our planet? 
Will there be anyone under Trump's influence who will stand up for Earth? 

That said, if we don't stand up for Earth, She will let us know...
Perhaps via destruction of mankind's irresponsible tinkering with Her most so-called precious commodities...

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