March 23, 2011
John M. Knapp, LMSW and executive director of the Center for Healing Spiritual and Cultic Abuse (, is a therapist specializing in cult-recovery counseling.
I was a client of John's for right at two years, in which the latter eight months John and I became 'friends' and were 'like colleagues' in the field of activism regarding recovery from toxic groups and/or cults.
At various places on the web, I previously endorsed John's services and activism.
Unfortunately, I currently can no longer endorse John M. Knapp, LMSW. Our relationship ended in an abrupt, harmful, and unexpected manner on August 2, 2010. At the end of September, 2010, I filed a formal complaint with New York State Office of Professions. The investigation regarding my complaint is still in process.
At some point, I may (or may not) publish the details surrounding part of the circumstances that led to and the reasons for my retraction. Once the investigation is complete, I may post my complaint and the results of the investigation.
To life,
Update - January 14, 2014:
New York state found John M. Knapp "...guilty of professional misconduct; Penalty: Revocation...Licensee was found guilty of practicing his profession with negligence, as well as with incompetence, on more than one occasion, and of unprofessional conduct."
Carol, I read this and the last 2-3 posts. I just want you to know I believe and support you 100%, and admire you and your writing.
Carol, as you know I was directly involved in some of the events you write here and was an eyewitness of John Knapp's behavior toward you. I do support you. You are a courageous person.
Thanks Marta! I know you know how much your words mean to me. :)
Thanks Lom! You continue to inspire me with your own strength and courage and the incredible challenges that you have faced and traversed. I still hope for a day when you can tell your whole story.
To life,
~carol :)
I've updated this blog entry today and in the last few days with additional links.
Thanks for having the guts to be vocal about this situation. Much appreciated.
Thank YOU Jeanette. You are inspiration for me and others to continue to speak up and to not be silenced. I'm still learning how, when, what, where, etc., to give voice. Life sure isn't dull! ;-D
To anyone who may be interested, I have added information to this blog post.
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