September 30, 2009

Cosmic Relief

A website ran across my email screen earlier this week, again reminding me of the power of humor.

I am not a humor expert; but I know what causes me to laugh.  Different folks prefer different types of comedy.  My husband and I differ in our comic relief tastes; though we both enjoy a sense of dry humor.

I like sitcoms like Third Rock, with the purple-tube Solomon family, aliens sent to earth to study our species, living in Ohio as humans, fascinated with human emotions.

I enjoy the type of comedy like Jackie Chan and Owen Wilson in Shanghai Noon; a China man turned cowboy in the Old West.

Comedy is one of the panacea-type tools in life's tool box.  The Bible states that a "merry heart worketh an excellent cure."  Books have been written on the healing power of humor including the biological impact humor has on our immune systems.

Laughter can cause tears, as can grief.  Tears are good; they are our friends and help relieve our bodies and souls.

Humor can help in any type recovery, I think.  Often times being able to laugh at ourselves brings a different perspective on a circumstance; helping to disarm some of the situation's punch.

As far as recovery from harmful religion, humor can help too.

Following are a few sites I've run across on the net addressing totalistic groups/belief systems.

For cosmic comic relief, one might enjoy Bob Tzu's Duhism.  Bob is full of "impractical wisdumb."

For comic relief from Way-type stuff, a taste from the drawing board of Nuff is sure to bring some stimulation to the immune system.
Nuff Said

For folks who prefer a bit of raw satire, Landover Church may fill the plate.  I don't prefer Landover; yet I know others that do and the site has brought me a chuckle at times.
Landover Baptist Church

Regardless of what one thinks of Michael Moore or one's beliefs regarding homosexuality, this approach to Fred Phelp's group is brilliant, in my opinion. It is a bit (quite?) raw, but effective!  
Michael Moore vs Westboro Baptist Church

Remember Carol, to offer a smile and/or a chuckle today.

Laughter, it's good for the soul and the body.


Nuff said...

Thanks for the post. Humor was for me - first a welcome relief from the ridiculousness of my own mistakes. But then it was also such a fun and useful test of my thinking. Did my religion stand up to a joke? Often not! Whenever something seems too holy to laugh at, it may just be that it's too fragile to withstand a probing joke. Once we broke through the fabricated taboo on laughing at the group's ways, we gleefully began to cast off the silliness.

My favorite jokes are always the ones that we're not supposed to say!

(Thanks for the link)

oneperson said...

What great insight in you comment!

Thank you Nuff for creating such wonderful talent and whit. I have shared the link with others, even folks who were from groups other than from the group I came out of (The Way). They too "got it!" And guffawed. It's a welcome release and relief... :-D

Those are some of my favorite jokes too, the ones we aren't supposed to say.

What a loss when we cannot laugh at our own foilables and the serendipitous jokes of life.

To chuckles and belly laughs!!
