December 24, 2009

"I meant to do my work today...."

I found something today!  What did I find?

It found it online...some tracks from one of may all-time favorite LPs, "Friends."  I used to have this pink-colored album.  But like all my "worldly" albums, I rid myself of them in late summer of 1977 when I decided to give my whole self "to Jesus."  I left the albums at a mental health hospital, Broughton, in Morganton, NC.  I wasn't ever a patient there, but thought maybe the folks there, patients and employees, might enjoy the music.  I felt a certain empathy for patients with mental health challenges, and for some reason I chose Broughton.

Ahh, now I recall why I chose Broughton.  I had heard that the song "Fire and Rain" by James Taylor was about something to do with Taylor's own hospitalization due to mental health challenges.  I was told part of his time was spent at Broughton. I had quite a few James Taylor albums in my stack; thus I thought of Broughton Hospital. Perhaps too, I felt an unconscious connection as my mother had spent time at Broughton when I was a toddler.

I just now googled and found some interesting facts; James great-grandfather was a doctor at Broughton before it was named Broughton. Click here to read a snippet: Sweet Baby James' ties to Burke by Steve Walker from the Morganton (NC) News-Herald.

Click Snopes link, "Fire and Rain", for a history behind that song. It appears James didn't spend time at the Morganton facility; yet sought help elsewhere for certain struggles.

So I left my albums; including Rubber Soul, The White Album, Friends, James Taylor's works, Steam-Powered Aeroplane, and lots more good stuff; that late summer day on a desk at Broughton Hospital.  I asked the front office where I could leave a donation and I was directed to another office.  No one was in at the moment; it may have been lunch time.  My stack of albums was at least a foot high; the stack was heavy.  I left a note on top of the stack, "From Jesus."  Oh well! ;-D

The following songs from "Friends" are some of my favorite songs of all time.  Through the decades I have continued to say those words, "I meant to do my work today...but the brown bird sang in the apple tree....and all the leaves were calling me..."

(Click here for a couple more songs: John Hartford's Going to Work in Tall Buildings and another favorite song from "Friends," Michelle's Song. ~Two Songs: Hartford & John...~)


Two years ago, my daughter bought me an older Elton John CD because she saw this song, Friends, was on it.  Through the years she'd heard me say how much I loved the song, but we never heard it on the radio nor did I have a copy of it. My daughter saw it listed on that CD, and now I have it. Plus she got to hear it for the first time.  Probably my most favorite song of all far.  ;-)



Cindi said...

Hi Carol...we miss you on EU!!! I remember this song...and the movie it came from. I was a teenager then and thought the movie was wonderful...two teenagers in love. Thanks for saying hi. It led me to your blog...which I am going to add to my bloglines list right now. Happy New Year and all the best to you and your family....


oneperson said...

Hi Cindi!!!!

I never saw the movie, just had the album and used to love it.

Thanks for the add to your bloglines list. :-)

I recently sent someone to your "Mercy not Sacrifice" blog...and someone else to the (older) BH forum to check out the book study on one of Girard's books.

I read every so often on the EU board via the daily digest. Such wonderful folks there. I seem to spend most of my online time blogging (haha ;-) and making connections. I wish I could clone myself to not have to sleep and to do all the things (in 3-D and 2-D life) that I think about doing and would like to do. Ha! Hopefully there is an eternity to play catch up. ;-)

Love to you and yours and thanks so much for stopping by!!!

Carol :-)

April said...

I never heard that Friends song by Elton John before. That was good.
So true!

I'm glad you are my friend!

oneperson said...

Hey April!

I'm glad too! "What a friend I have in April...." omg. ;-)

Another of my favorite from the Friends album is Michelle's Song. It's the 2nd Youtube on the following post. Only 1-1/2 minutes. :-)
Two songs: Hartford & John...