April 28, 2010


Sometimes (often?) I feel I don't fit in groups.  Well, more like I don't fit in "proper" groups.

I have felt I fit with certain poets and artists and writers.  It seems among the writers and artists with whom I resonate, motives aren't scrutinized.  It's like motives aren't really much of a theme; expression is.  Being is.

That's what grounds me, to be.  Let me be me.  Allow expression for what it is, expression.

I was thinking long and hard last night about people who are my closest friends.  We don't necessarily have expectations of each other.  And then I thought that probably isn't true.

Our expectation is for each of us to simply be. To respect the being. To honor it. To allow it.  To be.

Sometimes I despise that which is proper.

"Fuck the begrudgers. Feel speed ahead."


Note: Reread this hours later and notice the typo in the last sentence, "feel" instead of "full." Ha!  I like it.



Chris Schumerth said...

Our groups suck, don't they? Unnessarily inclusive and identity giving.

Glad to see that you are continuing to sort through all this.

oneperson said...

Hi Chris!

Good to "see" you again. :-)

Yah, groups can suck.

Yet I know I'm not an island.

And I'm so very thankful for my family. We have a new member; my 22-year old daughter just got a puppy!!! :-D

A blog post came to mind after reading your comment. I like the post so much that I have it linked as a resource in my side bar. You might like it too. The post (by Rod E. Smith, MSMFT) is about what constitutes healthy group structures:
Healthy Church?School? Community? 12 ways to tell:

To life!