July 11, 2012


aww ~ 7/11/12
non-subject: hate

I wrote "I HATE YOU!!!!" in big capital letters and with multiple exclamation points.

My handwriting was messy.

The note was to my husband.

In a rage I tore up the note before Hubby could see it. He wasn't home anyway.

I "hated" Hubby. He was married to his job. I was just a nanny and housekeeper.

I wanted romance. Hubby had never read a book or learned anything about romance, other than what I had tried to teach him when I planned all the get-aways, the romantic evenings, the role playing. It was me trying to meet my emotional needs. I met Hubby's sexual needs.

The Way taught that I was to meet the needs of my man. The Way taught that Hubby was to meet my, his wife's, needs. But my needs weren't physical. My needs were invisible. No wet crotch signals emotional needs.

In The Way, as well as other schools of thought, the bedroom is the gauge on how healthy a marriage is; are the couple satisfying each other sexually?

Now I think that's bullshit. Sex is only part of marriage, and it's not the main part. Guinea pigs have sex.

I "hated" Hubby for not knowing how to use tools; I was the fixer in the house. Toilets, hardware, hanging art on walls, figuring out electronics. The umpteen times we moved, I was the packer and the organizer and the coordinator.

I "hated" Hubby for leaving me to raise the children as if I were alone in the task; Hubby worked 70 hours a week or was out of the country for weeks at a time.

I "hated" Hubby because his emotional needs were met. Why didn't he have these problems that I had? Why was he always so calm, cool, and collected?

But those were reasons I had married him, reasons I loved him.

I verbally abused my husband. I was trying to get him to meet my needs; needs he couldn't meet. I loathed my soul; nothing he could do would cause me to see my own worth. Of course, he seldom tried either.

He seldom tried, but he did stick around. Steadfast as the sun. What greater love could I ask for?

I quit verbally abusing my husband once I realized I was abusive. I bought a book on emotional abuse. I read it. I saw myself. I saw tactics The Way used. Perhaps I'd learned to abuse from The Way, not to mention crazy-making during my upbringing.

I once thought all people lived with crazy-making in their upbringing. I've since learned that isn't so.

After I began to get well, physically and emotionally, I asked Hubby, "Do you feel loved?" He responded, "Yes." I asked, "Have you always felt loved?" He paused for a moment to think and responded, "Yes."

I couldn't respond in the affirmative, but neither had I felt hated...except by my own soul.



... Zoe ~ said...

Did you by any chance suffer from PMS?

I did. Couple that with our family issues and authoritarian religion and it's a recipe for disaster. :-(

oneperson said...

Hey Zoe!

I probably did...but it wasn't at the top of the illness totem pole as far as priorities. With all the other *stuff* it was difficult to delineate what was causing what.

Part of my anger came from out right fatigue, along with long term steroids and other asthma drugs (such as theodur) which I'm sure you know have rage side effects. And like you said...mix that with other environmental factors (indoctrination, etc.) ... well ... it has to go somewhere.

In one sense the indoctrination helped me control the rage. But then, how many of the problems (and I think many in my case) were caused by the indoctrination? It was/is a double edged sword.

Good to 'see' you!

oneperson said...

BTW to any readers: I love my husband more than words can say. And, I'm confident that he loves me just as much. I was a bit concerned about posting this piece because some readers may reach the wrong conclusion. Hubby and I will be married 28 years in September. Our marriage is seasoned and sprinkled and we laugh and play and cry together. We disagree, but we seldom ever argue...unless one of us tired. Life is good. :)

Anna Maria said...

Intense! I do admire you for being able to express your emotions so well Carol.

I also admire you and your husband both for being wise enough to work though the tough situation you were in. It's not easy at all to "unwash" after you have been "brainwashed." KUDOS!!!!!!!!!

... Zoe ~ said...

I never took it like that oneperson, just to clarify. :-)

You know, that "double edged sword" - I relate. On one hand my "faith" I believed kept me sane while at the same time driving me insane. (Geesh that sounds dramatic.)

oneperson said...

I didn't think you did. :) But thanks for clarifying.

Yes...I hear you on the sane-insane see-saw. Reminds me of 'crazy-making' in toxic relationships.

oneperson said...

Thanks Anna Maria!

I know you know all too well. Kudos right back!!

Life lived is full of these lessons.

I hope to begin reading your book sometime in August. I have been dizzy, busy with work (as usual)...which is a good thing, I reckon.
