August 21, 2013

Today I played....

...with colored pencils.

It all started with circles that turned into a lollipop...and then the lolli popped.

Quite elementary, but colorful.

I've always thought it'd be fun to grow gills. In the womb, we all had gill-like apparatus.

I entitled it Cousins.


Jon said...

Cool! I love the drawings.

Anna Maria said...

Carol...I had heard about the "gill slits" in high school Biology and looked it up after I mentioned it on FB. I see there is now a big "debate" between Creationist and Darwinism as to whether they are really gill slits or not. As in most of those " not" arguments, I doubt exactly what that gill like "apparatus" on embryos is will ever be agreed upon. :D

Anna Maria said...

I really do love the drawing!

Zoe Bloomer said...

Delightful. First word that came to mind. Love it! :-)

oneperson said...

Aww...Thank ya'll. :-)

@Anna...Yes, I looked up "do human fetus's have gills" to try to recall what us humanoids have in the womb. We have to have something to breathe in that fluid. It's such an interesting reality that all of us were at some point living in fluid.

Hmm...gills and fish bring to mind a poem I wrote some years back. It is entitled
In a FishBowl