March 24, 2016

April, 2016, will be five years....

April, 2016, will be five years since the onset of polyradiculitis, which is the diagnoses term for the nerve damage that has catapulted my life in a different direction than I ever imagined. In Spring, 2011, I never imagined I would be living what I am living now.

That 5-year reality has hit me hard in the last month or so. It makes me cry.

I don't like calling it an "anniversary." Whether or not it is defintionally so, I feel like the word "anniversary" is a celebration of something good.

This incapacity with which I live is not 'good.' At times, I have almost said, "I wouldn't wish this on anyone." But then I think again - I'm not that good of a person and I might wish it on a few. But typing that right now, I'd still put a stop to it. The every-dayness of it can suck the life right out of a-body.

I have a lot more thoughts, but don't feel like typing them now.


I'm tired of waiting to edit my pieces before I publish them as blog entries.

And even when I do wait after typing a draft and editing it and making it public, I still come back and edit the piece, or make it private again 'til later.

I don't feel like going to all that trouble.

So I may have an upcoming untitled series, "on the fly," or "thought blurts."

Just stuff I want to get out in the universe somewhere.

(Universe somewhere. Probably a "cloud." The cyber-storage type.)

And of course, I may talk myself right out of making my 'thought blurts' public online. I may only publicize them to trees and critters...and other woods-life.


Becky Wiren said...

It so hurts us to have such negative changes. And I'm so sorry for the pain you have to go through. I think you should do whatever you want for your blog: publish, edit, don't edit, whatever you feel like. Remember I'm there for you. <3

Anonymous said...

(((Carol))) gentle hugs. <3 Sometimes there are no words, some times a few, other times a boat load. Just be you whatever you decide.

oneperson said...

Thanks Becky and Zoe...
<3 <3