March 22, 2016

Switch on. Switch off. Rearrange. Epigenetics.

Oh my gosh!!

I'm posting this entry on the fly. I just have to let it out somewhere. It may not seem like a big deal, but it is for me.

It's about a video I just watched. I can't figure out how to embed the video, but here is the link: NOVA - Epigentics.

The past few days I've been reading up on lunasin, a polypeptide originally discovered in soy, which led me to read up on "epigenetics," a word which I've come across in my other reading and in some discussion. But I've never really read up on epigenetics, until now.

As I watched and listened to the video, I heard the same language that I have used...unknowingly for me. (But perhaps I've heard the words "switch on" and "switch off" used in this context, without consciously recalling it.)

I've said that I think the drug terbinafine (perhaps along with other life stressors at the onset of my current illness) "switched something on or off" in my cells that caused them to morph. And I recently stated I want to help my immune system "rearrange the chaos" that was produced as a result of the morphing.

In the video, the words "switch on" and "switch off" and "rearrange" are used.

And that really excites me!

I guess I'm easily entertained. :D

The video is from 2007, so I'm sure much more is known now. I won't have time to read more this morning, so I'll just ride on this excitement for today...literally, while I'm cycling. The sun is out again and temperatures should be in the 60s! Yay!


Anna Maria said...

So very happy you are feeling like riding your bike again and do hope you can find out more about lunasin and figure out a way to help your problem. For thousands of years folks used natural products to treat illness and there are a maze of them out there that have been proven to be just as effective at treating certain conditions as the scary chemical product substitutes they have come up with that often cause more harm than good. Good Luck!

oneperson said...

Thanks Anna!

I've experimented with Lunasin in the past 18ish months. I'm redoing the experiment again. (I'll not bore with the details here. But I might in a later blog entry! lol )

I agree, regarding more natural approaches. Not to say pharmaceuticals are not helpful in certain conditions and circumstances; they are very helpful and lifesaving. And even pharmaceuticals get their start from natural substances or processes.

I've often thought that if I could do life 'over,' I might just go into pharmacy. I find it a fascinating field. Or maybe it's physiology that I find our bodies utilize these 'chemical' communicators (natural or humanly-excavated-and-morphed. New acronym: HEAM. :D ).