April 28, 2016


The end of the countdown has begun. I'm 2-1/2 weeks away from my next epidural.

These are usually my worst weeks. I am beginning to feel the worsening, which is disappointing.

However, comparatively speaking thus far, I am still much improved from this time last year, and even since this time last round.

Yesterday as I sat in a lounge chair sky-watching, clouds moving along their shape-shifting journey, I wondered, Where are the dead people? Something I wonder about from time-to-time. Is there life beyond this one?

I don't have a definitive answer. No one does. We all have beliefs and hopes about what lies beyond. Some have near-death experiences or experiences with those already deceased. But there are still no hard facts; at least that have convinced me.

Yesterday I turned 57 years old. It was a good birthday.

I spent most of my birthday with one of my pet-client dogs who stays in our home regularly. He went blind in the past few months. The blindness isn't due to age, but rather, a disease for which there is no cure. So he and I have been learning together.

Earlier this week, as he sat beside me in the passenger seat strapped in with his doggie-seatbelt and I in the driver's seat strapped in with my human-seatbelt and singing out loud along with a song that has inspired me the past few years as I've learned to accept but not-be-defeated-by my own disability, I sang for my dog-friend too. I included his name along with mine in whatever-song-it-was. I then told him with a smile and a tear, "We're disabled comrades....abled-differently comrades...That's us!"

We then proceeded to Pilot Mountain for a short hike. Beneath his feet, he got to feel the trail, and even some roots, and walk on flat rocks.

It was a beautiful, breezy day. He took in as many scents as possible. At one overlook, he stood with his face to the sun and a gentle mountain breeze. He seemed in total bliss.

I certainly was.

More good memories for the bank....


Anna Maria said...

Happy Birthday Carol! Yes, I suppose a lot of folks wonder whether there is life after death. I like to think so. I have had "experiences" that make me think so but true, one's own beliefs cannot be accepted by those who haven't has reason to believe it. I love your story of being with the dog. I'm certain he appreciates your loving care...and songs. I told my pain management doctor Monday the last shots didn't help as much or as long as they had in the past so he said he was going to try a different approach and gave me four more spread out. He said if they worked he wanted me to come back in May 18 and get another "treatment" and thought these might last a year. I am pain free so far and looking forward to maybe not having to have these every three or four months. Yea! Keep making good memories. XOXO

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you gave a great gift on your birthday to your blind doggie friend. Happy belated birthday!


Covecritters said...

Sorry I missed your birthday! (((HUGS)))Glad you enjoyed it :-)I hope we can meet up when I'm home (May 12-June 11, early June in OH)

Anonymous said...

(((hugs))) Happy Belated Birthday. :)

oneperson said...

Thanks Annie!

When that sentence came off my keyboard (about some folks who have experiences), I thought of you! :D

Thinking about it now, as I type this comment...one thing about your experience(s), is that you don't shove your belief down others' throats. You don't preach about it.

Some folks believe religion is evil. (I'm not saying you are religious...these are just some thoughts at the moment.) I do not hold that belief. It is good or evil depending on the person, their actions, their interpretation of whatever doctrine they may have embraced. I have seen and experienced both good and evil in regard to so-called 'religious' people. And then there is the definition of religion. What does a person mean when they use that word? And blah, blah, blah... :D I could write as essay now, if I had the energy.

Yay about the new approach for your injections! Hoping it works well the whole way through Anna! Such great news if that happens!

As always, thanks for you continued encouragement...and inspiration... :)

oneperson said...

Thanks SP!

When I sat down to write, I wasn't going to write about the dog. But that's what came off the keyboard. :)

oneperson said...

Thanks Linda!

No need to apologize, but thanks. :) I don't publicize my birthday anywhere online, at least that I can think of...other than like here in this blog piece. I used to, but as I've learned to live with my current limitations, I realized that too many birthday wishes wears me out. So, I just deleted that information (from FB, etc.)

Yes, I hope we can work out a meet-up time. We'll figure it out once you are in town. :)


oneperson said...

Thank you Zoe! :)