August 27, 2017

Trump rant

This is a rant, not an academic discourse. It's based on my own observations and experience, Trump's own lies and behavior, my continued reading of contexts and histories of the players involved in the current administration and current events, and my continued reading about our country's history and histories of current movements. But still, it's just a rant.

There are times I've wanted to post some of my Trump outrage on Twitter, but I refrain. In reading recently about the history of internet trolling, Trump's a troll. He wants to agitate and provoke. And he does a good job at it.

Trump is a narcissist of the highest degree.

Folks who rationalize his beyond-social-norms behavior have been duped. He's a cult leader and fits the description - information control, playing the victim, non-accountability, blame-shifting, twisting facts or outright lying, demand for loyalty, unpredictable behavior so folks are walking on eggshells, praising folks and then demeaning them back-and-forth. His base fits the behavior of cult followers - rationalizing and minimizing his outlandish words and decisions, stroking his ego, limiting their reading to what Trump approves. I'm sure I could think of more parallels.

I used to rationalize the words and behavior of Wierwille and Martindale and Knapp. And Rivenbark, but she's in a slightly different category. I'd have my "yeah buts" always believing their hearts were right, that they wanted the best for their people, and they were simply humans who make mistakes.

I was dead wrong. They lied, intentionally. They harmed others, intentionally. They didn't care about the people who followed or supported them. All they cared about was their own ego, power, and winning. They lied to save their own faces in the eyes of their followers.

Trump is no different. His lies are so obvious it astounds me that his supporters continue to justify his outrageous words and the chaos he stirs. On the other hand, I did it too - rationalize. Just with different people who were of no real consequence to our nation or world.

The other week, after Trump's dangerous tweets regarding North Korea, I really tried to think of something good about Trump. I came up with, "He takes care of his family." But I have to wonder if he even does that out of any goodness, or does he do it to for appearance?

He's like a whirlwind. Sucking people into his vortex and causing destruction along his path.

I hope grounds are found for his impeachment.


Anna Maria said...

Good rant Carol...I do it all the time. I am simply amazed this fool was elected to be President of the United States. Surely there will be enough evidence of his total ineptness soon to have grounds for impeachment. For our nation's sake...I pray so. This has been a stressful week in Texas and he tweeted, "It's a 1000 year flood and I'm going down there, am excited." Yes and he pardoned a convicted felon who has trounced on the Constitution and Civil Rights for decades as the water in Texas rose to record levels. Unbelievable! We are alright in San Antonio but I have a lot of friends and family closer to the coast who are going to have a lot of flood damage before it over. So sad. I saw you went on a long bike ride. Kudos! I hope that means you are feeling much better. XOXOXO Anna

oneperson said...

Oh Anna! So goood to hear from you. You have really been on my mind. I was gonna check in with you after things had settled a bit in Texas. Glad to hear you are safe. <3 I'm continuing to keep you and Texas in my thoughts.

I imagine Trump will credit "his" administration for any successful outcomes in managing the Texas crisis, instead of "the" administration. Maybe I'm being to nit-picky there, but he always flaunts himself. I don't recall a past president patting himself on the back as often as Trump. And often times he either exaggerates or outright lies.

Wish I could say I'm feeling "much better." But I'm mostly pushing through. Didn't get ouy of my pajamas from Saturday night until Monday supper. And that's okay. Still thankful I'm mobile! <3

Again...elated to hear from you and that you are okay.

Much love...