September 15, 2017


Sometime in the past year or so I accidentally deleted a bunch of photos from my blogs. I've slowly been adding them back.

"Slowly." My normal speed.

(Bing-bong-bing go my synapses....)

Why am I so timid these days?

Part of the reason is my disability; it has drained so much of my confidence. And I wasn't a mountain of confidence before the disability.

But why does it drain confidence?

Well, one example is my house. It is a'clutter due to my inability to take on an unclutter-project but feeling so badly that I want to - so I try, and I make a tiny blemish of progress-which-isn't-really-progress for a couple hours, and then I don't pick up that project again for months-on-end (or never again) because it isn't the most helpful place to put my energy. Life becomes "what's the point in even trying to start a project?"

It's self-defeating. Defeat doesn't catalyze confidence.

I'm currently in a place of limbo. I'm not again trying to "save" my limbs like from 2013 through 2015; they do function better than before. Because I'm not in that type of survival mode, I think that I "should" be able to do more, to get something done around the house. (The house is just one category. But it's a good example.)

But the reality is, I ain't that far along, yet. Three main reasons: fatigue and weakness and slowness, all due to nerve damage and impeded signals.

Ahh..."slowness." That's how I got on this subject. I started out with adding photos back to my blog and was going to write about my impressions as I've reread pieces previously written. But then I veered into my health. The veer stemmed from the word "slowly," though I didn't expound the speedy, automatic synaptic jumps from "slowly" to "timid."

Anyway, I get quite discouraged and have to remind myself of what I do accomplish in a day instead of what I don't or what haven't accomplished in the last six months or the last year or the last five years.

Today, along with self-care (eat, drink, meds, supplements, brush teeth and hair, dress, load dishwasher) and caring for a dog (outside breaks, meds, feedings) who is staying in our home, I hope to ride my bike, to work a couple hours at the art studio, and to bathe. I'll probably have to lay down too. I guess bathe is a part of self-care. But I don't do it daily so it's kind of in a different category. It takes a lot of effort, so I have to be able to access energy in my bank to accomplish the task.

Of course, I'll listen to music throughout the day.

It's a hard thing, learning the balance between accepting these limitations and striving to overcome them. Between gratitude for what I still can do and grieving the loss, which includes feeling anger and envy, for what I no longer can do.


I got a text from Son this morning. He and his two friends, who are backpacking the Kungsleden Trail in Sweden, made it to Ammarnas today. He had temporary wifi and sent a "Happy Anniversary" text to Hubby and I. (We hit 33 years today.) But no photos today. Son and friends will begin the southern section of the trail next - 49 miles from Ammarnas to Hemavan. I'm waving my good-weather wand.

Below are two photos Son sent with his 9-05-17 texts. These are from either side of a pass near Parte

This side

That side, the next morning.
I wonder what that shiny spot is?
And who is the hiker? 


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on 33 years!


Anna Maria said...

Love the photos and don't worry about the clutter. Work on your blog until you are happy with it. Housework can wait. Thought you might get a chuckle out of my "health" problems this past month. I posted this on FB yesterday along with a cartoon of a guy in a doctor's office telling the doctor, "I've already diagnosed myself on the Internet...I'm just here for a second opinion." About a month ago I had a routine colonoscopy and have been having digestive problems ever since I haven't addressed very wisely. Last week I went to the emergency Med Clinic with a pain for several days in my upper right back. After several clean chest x rays and a clear urinalysis, the doctor diagnosed muscle sprain, instead of a kidney problem I "thought" I might be having due to the location. He prescribed a potent anti-inflammatory I picked up and took home and tossed in the garbage can after I read the possible side effects. Yesterday, after a cup of coffee on an empty stomach, I began having upper left chest pains and arm tingles antacids didn't help, and thought surely, this must be the "big" one so off to the clinic again I drove stressed out. After a 12-lead EKG the doctor came back and announced most 20 years old would be very happy with my well as more clear chest x rays. However, she did notice on them I had a lot of trapped gas bubbles in my upper intestines that could be pushing against my ribcage causing my pains and suggested prunes and prune juice, and lots more water and fiber in my diet. Oops! I think I can do that. When my son in law came home from work that evening he asked how the "heart attacker" was doing. I told him basically full of shit. 😆 Hope you are feeling better soon too Carol. XOXOXO

oneperson said...

Thanks SP! <3

oneperson said...

Thanks Anna.

Your story made me laugh. :D I need a laugh! Thank you! :)

So glad you figured out where the pain was coming from...and that it wasn't a heart attach. Whew.

My son ended up sending some more pictures about an hour after I posted this blog entry. But no reindeer. I was hoping for some reindeer! :D

Amazes me that pictures can be sent in a blink of an eye from the Arctic circle to North Carolina.