December 2, 2020

A peek inside...

(Prompt or not: Hiding)


My brain feels so scattered, disoriented. I don't know if I can write anything worth sharing tonight in the writing workshop. 

Do I just go back through my journal pages? Which too are scattered, literally. Some pages are in my handwritten journal, some in my current Sudoku puzzle book, some on my private blog. 

I really like my current Sudoku book. I'll be sad when I've finished all its puzzles. I have only 9 to go, of 162. The book is spiral bound. The pages have wide margins, and the paper is really nice -- sturdy, easy to draw on. In the margins, I often doodle and sometimes journal. I Sudoku and doodle and journal as I lie in bed awaiting sleep, at night or at a daytime nap.  

My doodles end up with lots of faces. All sorts of faces made out of random, abstract lines and circles that I allow my hand to freely draw. In the abstracts, I see foreheads and noses and indention areas for eyes. So, I draw them into characters. Birdy characters. Bears. People. Aliens. A seal riding a bicycle. What is it with faces? Most always, I draw a smile. I want them to be happy.

The word "happy" has gotten a bad wrap, maybe? In The Way, we were taught that happiness is circumstance oriented. But that joy is an inside job, not dependent on circumstances. Joy is godly; happiness is worldly. "Worldly," meaning not spiritual; but rather of the material, temporal realm. Joy is eternal.  

What a sucky way to complicate emotions which are already complicated enough. And it calls into question one's motives. Like, if I'm only happy and not joyful, I'm living in the material, temporal realm; not the spiritual, eternal. 

Sometimes I doodle what I call "Squigglies," faces with eyes made out of a twirly motion which I can't describe in words. Sometimes I doodle "Wrinklies," faces with wrinkled borders. 



Anonymous said...

I like your drawings. Very imaginative. As Ralph D took as a moniker, Don't Worry, Be Happy. I love you and am your friend.


oneperson said...

Thanks for that reminder! Just listened to the song. :D

Haha. Thanks for the doodle compliment. They are fun for me. Whimsical. Fantasy.
Happy, mostly. :D

Love you too SP. Thank you. Your words mean a lot to me dear friend. <3

I've been pondering a goalish for 2021 -- to give a call to certain old friends that I've not communicated with in years, but with whom I used to communicate regularly. Like one a month, or every other month. I'd need to do phone calls; emails can really drain me. :/
Not to reconnect in the sense of an on-going, communication-regularly relationship. I can't commit to that, and probably neither can they.

Thanks again SP,

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great plan. Call whenever you like. I always enjoy talking with you.


oneperson said...

Thanks SP. I enjoy our conversations too.