October 17, 2021

9/17/21: Prompt: What is the vision...


Prompt from the book Cured: The Life-Changing Science of Spontaneous Healing by Jeffrey Rediger, MD:
What is the vision I have for my life -- something so inspiring I would sacrifice immediate pleasure to attain it? What will help me to attain that? What might prevent it?  

Today, 9/7/21, I cannot access a vision. 
My symptoms of weakness -- cognitive and physical -- are strong today. 

I feel my greatest vision for my life has been to raise healthy children -- physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, soulfully. 
Most days I feel I've accomplished that.
Occasionally I recall these lyrics from an old Way Productions song....
I forget that I've been given 
My life's dream. 
Peaceful days 
With Jesus Christ alive inside me
Life supreme  
And now
I love the life I'm living  
Where I know that I know 
It's Christ in me

But because I'm no longer a Bible believer (though some days that wobbles), I change some of the words...

I forget that I've been given 
My life's dream
Peaceful days 
With Breath of Life alive inside me
Life supreme
And now
I love the life I'm living
Where I know that I know 
It's Life in me

That said, what are some of my dreams?

To ride my bike across the USA and ride into the serendipitous encounters that help me realize even bigger the deep connection between us humans and with all of nature...rocks, plants, animals, sky, soil, rivers, oceans, sands, fungi, mycelium, the heavens: stars and clouds and rain and hail and snow and rainbows...interconnectedness. 

I experience that now, on a small scale.
And if I were able to ride my bike all the way across the US, these experiences would still be on a small scale, just more of them. 
Maybe I'd see interconnectedness larger? 
But then, maybe not. 
I do see it biggly now.
And I experience it in my own little world, which is big to me. 

Well that's just one dream, not "some..." 
It was fun to think about...
But I'm still feeling the symptoms I've been having all day...
On this September 7, 2021... 


Anonymous said...

I love all Cliff Adelman's songs, too. When I was working in middle school, the head custodian was a wonderful, yet illiterate man named Leonard. When I greeted him in the morning, I would generally say, "How are you today, Leonard?" He would grin and say, "Above ground!" That is always a good place to start and reminds me of my favorite of Cliff's songs, "Thankful."


oneperson said...

Love the vignette SP.
Josh has been known to reply that way..."Above ground." ;D
I cannot recall the song "Thankful."
I still have some Joyful Noise vinyls. I wonder if it's on one of those? Except I currently don't have a turntable hooked up to speakers. It's one of many things on my to-do list...hook up that turntable.

As always, thanks for reading and commenting.

I may get around to blogging again. Life's been quite full the past few months.
