December 29, 2012

For the Record: Part Two, Facebook Dialog Number One

[Click here for Introduction and Table of Contents.] 

What follows is part of the conversation that ensued on Knapp's public Facebook wall after he posted Beware Ca... W.... -- Cyberstalker on his Center for Healing Spiritual and Cultic Abuse Website and on his and others' Facebook pages. Some comments were apparently deleted by the authors by the time I copied and saved the conversation below.

I addressed most of Knapp's accusations on August 28 here: My statements addressing John M. Knapp's allegations & accusations.

Knapp never posted a link to my response addressing his allegations. I doubt many of the Facebook commenters took time to look up and read my response. At the time, they trusted Knapp. Some have since learned about the lies Knapp engages in and have even been lied to and about by Knapp.

I was never out to "destroy" Knapp. I never cyberstalked or cyberharrassed him. I never continually called his clients or board members. I never engaged anyone's support in any sort of campaign against Knapp. There is lie after lie in Knapp's online postings.

And I have never used a hyphenated name.

Around the same time that Knapp was engaging this conversation, he was also being taken to small claims court in the city where he then resided, Malone, NY. A previous employee was suing him for non-payment. The court ruled in favor of the employee. After Knapp was served the papers he skipped state. The judgement is still outstanding as of December, 2012. 

Knapp begins this Facebook thread on August 25, 2011, at 4:45 in the afternoon. It is the first of five Facebook threads started by Knapp regarding his delusion that he is a victim of cyberstalking, cyberterrorism,  and cyberharassment.

I entitle this Facebook dialog "the let's beat up my former client, Ca*** - the sadisitic, terroristic, crazy as a shit-house rat professional victim."

[Update with link: Knapp's license was revoked in January, 2014.]

[begin Knapp's Facebook thread]

Ca*** We***—Cyberstalker
by John M Knapp Lmsw on Thursday, August 25, 2011 at 4:47pm

I want to be clear:

The Carol W**** I knew was [...see more...]

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J*** S******** :
I know this one from a couple of run ins John, and I'm glad you have recourse to take.

This one probably learned how to excel at defamation to control peoples' association in The Way International.

They were truly terrible, sneaky, mean spirited, and deliberate in terms of effectively poisoning peoples' minds toward another.....sigh.
August 25 at 5:36pm · Like · 1 person

John M Knapp Lmsw:
Thanks, J*** S********, for your support. I'm hoping someone will put these people out of their misery so the rest of us can go on about our lives.

August 25 at 5:38pm · Like · 1 person

J*** S********:
Even if cult recovery is your field, dealing with this behavior in reality is no easy thing John. You have my support.
August 25 at 5:39pm · Like · 1 person

Meg** S*****:
I removed my tag on this as I'm not a part of this issue. Thank you for the information, but as I'm not a solution, a middleman, or otherwise tied to this particular issue, I don't think I should get involved.

As for the defamation and other damages to your reputation, your professional standing, and continued diatribe - I hope that appropriate healing is found soon for all involved parties!
August 25 at 5:43pm · Like · 4 people

John M Knapp Lmsw:



I'm not interested in healing for myself. I'm interested in legal recourse.

August 25 at 5:47pm · Like · 1 person

Meg** S*****:
John M Knapp Lmsw Check out
August 25 at 5:52pm · Like · 1 person

John M Knapp Lmsw:
Thanks, M**** S*****!

I know of such services.

To be honest, I'm turning them over to my lawyer. I frankly can't afford the emotional turmoil personally reading the cesspool C**** W****, L*** N**, and others have put out there.

I wouldn't be able to get up in the morning.

As you know, along with many, many others, including C**** W****, I was permanently changed by my 23 years in the Transcendental Meditation organization.

I'll never be the man I was born to be.

I suffer from intermittent depression, moderate-to-severe dissociation, and although only hospitalized once for suicidality 10 years ago, the Abyss is no stranger even today.

I have to husband my strength.

Weirdly enough, one of the complaints C**** W**** leveled against me to D*** M*****, one of my board of directors, was that I suffered from dissociation and depression. To which D*** sagely replied, "I know. We've talked about it a coupla times." Apparently C**** W**** expected him to be shocked, shocked to hear I was human.

That's one of the things I mean by the sadistic cruelty of people like C**** W****.

She KNOWS the toll her actions have on me, my clients, and others.

She doesn't care.

She does it anyway.

But, fuck, it's not like I make it a secret. I began writing about my struggles back in 1995 when I first got out.

It's one of the reasons people seek me out, I think. They know I've been there. They know I've gone through hell—just like them.

And they know not only have I survived—I can be one mean motherfucker when I need to be.

August 25 at 6:03pm · Like · 2 people

M******* P***:
I checked out her blog John - and she has her emails to you posted there along with other posts about the situation. It is obvious to me that she had a strong emotional attachment (read: NEEDINESS) to you based on the therapy you did with her, and her emotional issues have been transferred over to you.

Since you ended the connection - from what I see as a conflict between business and the undercurrent of the emotional neediness. Whether or not you were angry with her or how she was affected by you cutting her off (which obviously she took as an extreme betrayal and now you are suffering the wrath of a woman scorned), you were still her authority at one point and needed to be respectful of the information you knew about her from your time as her therapist.

This is a strong example about why dual relationships are not wise, and in some states not legal. A therapist just knows TOO MUCH about a person's inner workings to be objective about their performance in a work setting.

I am very sorry that this happened - and I do not think she should be dragging you through the mud - but to move on with her life and make something good out of it. Some people cannot be responsible for their own feelings - and in her case, the fact that you were her therapist makes her justified. She may never see her part in the falling out because of the power differential - and for both of you - that is unfortunate.
August 25 at 6:12pm · Like · 1 person

John M Knapp Lmsw:
M*******, I appreciate your input. But you ARE judging only by what she has chosen to publish.

That is unfortunate. Not for me, as I know what transpired. But for you.

I HAVE been respectful of all information she transferred to me as atherapist. She, however, thinks that grants her immunity to lie and defame. That is cruelty. On her part.

That's just not how the law works. I have an absolute right to defend myself.

Especially as this has been going on for over a year without a word from me.

NO ONE is justified for cruelty, no matter what their emotional neediness is.

She is responsible for her actions. Even if she is crazier than a shit-house rat.

And will be held accountable in a court of law.

August 25 at 7:16pm · Like

John M Knapp Lmsw:
And the two licensed professionals who aided and abetted her in this cyberstalking crusade will also be held accountable, btw.

August 25 at 7:18pm · Like

M******* P***:
I am not judging based on what she wrote - I read what you wrote and then checked out her site. Her own emails SHE posted point to neediness and instability on her part. I said that she was needy toward you and I believe you that her feelings were inappropriate. All I am saying is while it might not have been apparent to you at the time - this woman had issues that should have been taken into consideration when you decided to work with her professionally. That is why dual relationships are not advised - to protect therapists from this kind of insanity.

I understand you don't need criticism right now - and I wasn't trying to do that - only pointing out something that an outsider might see because I am not involved.

I have been the object of defamation, lies and reputation destroying as well - Im not judging - and I know this is hard for you - I was only trying to support you while pointing out the dual relationship that might have not been the wisest choice. Thats all.

Good luck in making this stop. It is incredulous.
August 25 at 7:48pm · Like · 1 person

John M Knapp Lmsw:
‎@M******* P***: M****, she has only those emails posted that she chooses to post. Please try to remember that. I hate to say it, but C**** has played the professional victim for years. I can feel empathy for her as a human being. But she is trying to DESTROY me. I wish her well. I celebrate her good qualities, and she has many. But I will fight her into the ground on this. I hope you can understand.

August 25 at 8:08pm · Like

M******* P***:
Please read what I said - I am not against you - I am supporting you. What I said was: it is apparent to ME that based on the emails SHE posted that SHE is emotionally UNSTABLE. She is trying to make you responsible for her emotions and since you would not - she is trying to destro you. That is the work of a sociopath. I do agree that you need to defend yourself - she needs to be held accountable.
August 25 at 8:15pm · Like · 1 person

M******* P***:
I have had no less than five people from my past who told vicious lies about me and tried to destroy my life. I still have to watch my back. That which doesn't kills you only makes you stronger.
August 25 at 8:17pm · Like · 1 person

John M Knapp Lmsw:
Dear M*******,

I think this is a case where each of our communications are being misunderstood.

Probably from my side because I'm raw after a year of this. And it hurts like hell to drag a former client—and friend—through the mud, no matter what she's done.

So I'm all over the map tonight.

If I saw another alternative I would take it. So please accept my sincere apologies, good friend, if I've offended. I'll take a break for the night. I'll probably be in good mettle tomorrow.

Love ya, babe, as always! (Hope you know that's meant to be in good fun, not sexist. I can not use the phrase if it offends!)

August 25 at 8:20pm · Like

M******* P***:
yes - I can only imagine that its made you quite frazzled. No offense taken - I completely understand where you are at. You are a-ok in my book and have been one of the kindest and most supportive peeps I have met on FB - if that is any consolation.

I myself have heard stories made up about me - and it astounds me that people would have the nerve to run around telling lies and even more so that close friends would believe them without checking in with me. Even my own daughter was telling people I was bipolar six years ago because I had told people she was pregnant. Since she didn't want people to know yet - she made it sound like I was crazy so people wouldn't believe me. little punk.

I watch people - and its always the ones saying the shitty things all along who are the most guilty. Its maddening...
August 25 at 8:27pm · Like · 1 person

D***** B***** S******:
I'm so sorry to hear that all this has been happening. Please let me know if I can do anything to support you through the process.
August 26 at 8:29am · Like · 2 people

John M Knapp Lmsw: ‎@D***** B***** S******: Just your words of encouragement were more than enuff! No need to get get involved. Best to you and P***** S******!

August 26 at 10:41am · Like · 1 person

E***** S***:
You're an excellent healer & therapist, John - skillful, witty, compassionate, give a lot of yourself and are honest about what you can and cannot do. I so wish you could've been spared this painful experience. But I guess there's always a lot of risk involved working in an emotionally fraught field with very needy clients. It's sad, though, when things turn nasty.

I've not looked at what she's written, but I assume by now the situation is way past any possibility of mediation? I mean, sometimes a client erroneously assumes the therapist is invulnerable & the situation can be defused if they become aware that this is not the case? But if this has gone on for a year already, then I guess legal action is the only option left?

Either way, it's good you're taking a stance on this. It has a tremendously demoralising & disempowering effect if one just lets this kind of thing continue without defending oneself. Thinking of you & hoping this gets resolved soon.
August 26 at 2:56pm · Like · 3 people

John M Knapp Lmsw:
Thank you, E***** S***, my good, good, dear friend for your support. Hey, how's the weather down there near C*******?

August 26 at 6:52pm · Like

E***** S***:
Hey John, I can tell you what the weather's like about an hour's drive NE of Cape Town... Today it rained - I couldn't put my washing out to dry. But right now, at 1am in the morning (when I should be in bed!), it's all clear skies with stars & probably chilly outside, but warm inside. :-) What's it like in Malone?
August 26 at 7:03pm · Like

John M Knapp Lmsw:
It was cold and dreary today. Sort of pre-hurricane weather. I guess it gets here Saturday.

August 26 at 7:26pm · Like

J*** S********:
Assuming you and yours are ok John M Knapp Lmsw, I'd like to throw in my two cents again.....

I can't be certain of all the ethics surrounding all this therapist-patient relationship stuff because it's not the sort of relationship I have ever had, period. But I do believe that you have the right to vent as any other person might after being cyber-stalked, insulted, & lied about during the course of what appears to be (based on the apparent soundness of your truthful reply to their charges) a deliberate and long lasting smear campaign that you now feel has cut into your attempts to earn a living in your chosen field.

It seems apparent to me based on the long lasting nature of these smears that you are correct in figuring the time for patience is past. You have a legal right to go for a legal solution in my view. The website where you and I met even appears to me to be deliberately obtuse and at times unhelpful to cult abuse victims who may have issues that need legal redress. And the little I heard about your attempts to help there, and it sounded like you were peppered with classic TWI style interference. At the very least they seem to me to be embroiled in TWI style manipulations with abuse victims to this very day and I don't trust them.

Now I actually wish I had taken you up on your invitation to get more directly involved in your situation the first time you said you felt you need a friend/help.

So suffice it to say that if you have a sound case, just cause, and have suffered harm as you say, I hope you put these malicious turds in their place, more power to ya John! :)
August 29 at 12:00pm · Like · 1 person

John M Knapp Lmsw:
‎J*** S********,

We're doing great. I head to Injuniana very shortly as I tie up loose ends here in Burke, NY.

I really appreciate your words of support!

I believe I have MORE than a case for defense. And at least TWO good cases for legal offense.

Let's see how this plays out.

Formal, public apologies go a LONG way in my book to heading off court action.




If you are so inclined, read what I hope will be the last note on this saga for awhile:*****-p*******-bfw-120-days-same-subject-and-counting


M***** P*******, B.F.W., 120 DAYS Same Subject—and Counting!
Some readers have asked for more information on the P*******/W**** what-sure-loo...See More
August 29 at 8:15pm · Like

J*** S********:
I'll peruse FBK a little more and come right back to look at those links a bit John, thank you.

It's nice to see you are still being reasonable in the face of long lasting provocations too, for whatever that's worth. But as things sit, I wouldn't hesitate a bit id I were you to go for your right to legally address the situation. Sometimes that is all that's left in order to give maliciously motivated people even a small chance of waking up.
August 30 at 6:37pm · Like · 1 person

J*** S********:
Hey John, she called me your follower...HAAAAHahahaha!
August 31 at 7:26pm · Like · 1 person

J*** S********:
Nothing like being pigeonholed without provocation. Not a good start on their part for me personally.
August 31 at 7:59pm · Like · 1 person

John M Knapp Lmsw:
Shit, J***, I wish I could meet some of those that followers they keep saying I have. Or any of the "riches" they say I've amassed. I actually had to get Foodstamps a couple of weeks ago. I put everything I had into the CHSCA.....

August 31 at 9:16pm · Like

John M Knapp Lmsw:
See, the sad thing is, that some people leaving a spiritually abusive group forever after see things in those terms. You must be either a "cult leader" or a "cult follower." It can't just be that you might like a few ideas that a writer has—and maybe not so much the rest. If you agree with *one thing,* you must be a "follower." And so are held accountable for everything else the damn writer has said.

What a life in poverty!!!! Surrounded by supernaturally powerful and coercively persuasive evil doers! Anyone of which may force you to do *things* against your will!!! Or they might throw you into a trance if you talk to them on the phone because they know magical tricks to twist your mind!!!!!!

What a hell to live in.

These days I'm more of the opinion that we are all just different flavors the dish "human being."

Some of us taste good. Some don't. Some of us don't even smell sweet.

But, despite what your parents told you, NONE of us are special.

We all need each other.

But watch your step, J***, just be writing to me you are being counted among the sheep—or is it goats? I forget.

August 31 at 9:20pm · Like

J*** S******** :
Thamks for the heads up John, but I'm not exactly worried about it as I now know that your C**** W**** is the very same gal I had a minor altercation with at GSC. I wasn't sure until I found her blog and saw you weren't using the hyphenated last name she used to use. I will check it out just to see what she's been up to since I checked it before this last weekend though.

Ironic thing is to me that some of the things she says about you are the very same type of accusation that I refused to allow ANYONE to put other gals down for at GSC. Because by then I KNEW what TWI was, and I recognized the thuggish bastards who tried to quite women who were just starting to openly talk about being sexually abused by former leadership. Now this last weekend as I considered what she had to say about you I realized that she is actually singing the same song that I have supported carte blanche when referring to those crazy fuckers who run the Way International.

It would be very easy for me to side with her actually, except that I respect you and wonder if the other playa is crazy as batshit or not.
Tuesday at 6:10pm ·

[end Knapp's Facebook thread]


Click here to continue: For the Record: Part Three  

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