December 12, 2012

12/12/12 #2

non-subject: what is required
aww ~ 12/12/12


What is required?

It is required that I breathe.

Water is required.
Food is required.
Sleep is required.
Elimination is required.
Protection from the elements is required.

If I am to physically survive, that is all that is required.

What if that was all there was and we were only required to survive?

Currently, I am on vacation.
It's difficult for me to rest, even on vacation.

As I lay around on Tuesday doing much of nothing I had to tell myself that I need not accomplish anything. I could sleep all day if I desired.

I thought, "I should go write. I should check emails. I should respond to emails."
I thought, "No Carol, you are on vacation. You are required to do nothing."

There are a few things I want to accomplish in the next year or so that are large tasks. I've wanted to accomplish them for the past few years. But alas, they still await me.

One is my home.
I need to get it in order; it is currently a mess.
I ask myself, "What will motivate me?"
My usual answers are, "I want space to create," and "I don't want to leave a mess when I die."

Another is my weight and health.
I need to lose weight and rid myself of this cursed serum sickness or whatever it is that continues to plague me.
I ask myself, "What will motivate me?"
My usual answers are, "I want to thru-hike the Appalachian Trail," and "I want to be vibrant until my last breath."

Along the way to these accomplishments...
I want to take a framing class;
I want to artify my home;
I want to collage walls;
I want to texturize rooms;
I want to garden and dry food....

Or do I?

I've often said, "I think I'd prefer a teepee."
I've also said, "I'm more of a gatherer than a gardener."

What do I gather most?
And dreams...
...a bundle full of dreams.


Jon said...

I love your poetic prose.

oneperson said...

Thank you Jon!

Happy 2013! :)