December 14, 2016

Dream-time Body-speak (Part One)

I've had four vivid dreams in the past couple weeks.

In one dream I was standing on a sidewalk in a doorway on a small city street.  It was dusk or maybe night time with enough illumination from city lights to make out details.

I was looking at an SUV parked in the street in front of me as a woman grabbed two children, around ages 5 and 2, and put them in the SUV, the older child in the back seat and the younger in the front. I do not recall their genders.

I knew the woman was kidnapping them, but physically I could do nothing about it due to my disability and slow pace and the weakness in my limbs and extremities and back, just like in real life.

There were a few other folks who were witnessing the event, and I was panicking in my mind, Why is no one helping? Why is no one helping?!

Catty corner across the street three men stood outside a brick-front bar or cafe. They looked relaxed, leisurely visiting and unaware of the situation. I recognized one of them as Kyle who used to work for me in my pet sitting business in real life before he moved to Colorado. I hollered at the men, "Hey! Get those kids out of that SUV! That woman is kidnapping them!"

The three men went into quick action and ran to the SUV, pulling the kids out. The woman was already in the driver seat ready to pull away. She was heavy set with shoulder-length blonde hair. She was wearing a tank top and reminded me of the kind of biker mom who would have a Confederate Flag  flying high in her yard.

The front passenger door was left wide open after the men had grabbed the child from the front seat. As I stood on the sidewalk on the passenger side of her vehicle, the woman, sitting in the driver seat, glared at me. I felt her threat through the anger in her face and heard the words in my head, though she never uttered them, "I will be back. I will be back."

In another dream, my 28-year old daughter and I were rushing to get out of my home. I don't know where we were going or why we were rushing, but I was moving as fast as I could though it was slow, just like in real life. As I descended the hard wood stairs to the ground level approaching the door, I looked down at the underside of my left forearm, the side that is less exposed to the elements than the upper side which is tanned and grows hair.

Right under the thin, translucent top layer of skin, were two 3D-cell alkaline batteries. I thought, "How am I going to get these out? I bet this is why I feel  heavy."

As I reached the bottom of the stairs, the whole time having looked at these batteries in my forearm, they  fell out. Plop. Plop. The top layer of skin simply tore away from my arm like when a human peels after sunburn. But the skin did not peel all the way off; it looked like a jagged-edged open pocket. There was no pain and no blood. After the batteries dropped out, the skin-pocket hung loose and saggy from being stretched by the weight of the batteries.


Dream-time Body-speak (Part One)
Dream-time Body-speak (Part Two)


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