April 25, 2012

The Space Between

the space between
AWW ~ 4/25/12

My teenage years were spaced.

At 13 I fell in love and became romantically involved for the first time. I lost my virginity, but I don't recall the "first time."

At 14 I ran from the police for the first time. I was on foot; I'd thrown dirt clogs at a passing car as I'd hid on the side of the road at 2:00 AM. I outsmarted the police as I lay in the field of tall grass while the police were shining flashlights. I held my breath until they were gone.

At 14 or 15 I drank my first alcohol. I don't recall the first drink but I imagine it was Boones Farm wine. I could buy beer and wine in the local beverage store; the old man never did card me.

At 15 I got high on pot for the first time. It was my third or fourth time smoking pot; I hadn't felt its effects the first times I'd tried it. Wendy was driving her car; I think it was a Gremlin. I sat in the front passenger seat. As Wendy crested the large paved hill in the wealthy Shuford Devlopment with its giant houses and long driveways, I felt the high. It was like I crested with the Gremlin on that giant paved hill. In the middle of our side of the road, a patch of concrete became alive...like it was rising out of the dark pavement. My eyes got big and butterflies flew in my tummy. Wendy laughed. Wendy was 17 and I dated her brother Dale, who was around 19. Dale thought folks who smoked pot were freaks so Wendy made me promise to not tell Dale. Dale drank a lot and was the boyfriend who used to hit me.

At 15 and 16 I got high on chemicals and speed for the first time - MDA, LSD, mescalin, jimson weed, window pane, black beauties, gummy T, hashish, and I don't recall what else. I tripped a lot in a one-year period. I can't recall my first trip. I can recall some of the trips, especially the jimson weed. The jimson weed hallucinations are still vivid in my mind.

All my trips were good, except for the jimson weed and then, near the end before I quit drugs...near the end the trips began to turn bad.

But when the trips were good...they were oh so good.
When the trips were good, I could taste and touch the space between life and eternity.
The entire earth - every crevice, every molecule, every atom, every tiny space and portal - every thing was filled with purpose, with substance, with love.
When the trips were good the spaces between whatever consist in spaces between knew no emptiness, except within the echos; there was space between the echos.


Jon said...

You were always a risk taker! :)
(I kind of was too).

(I love the Sarah M 'Blackbird' music clip.)

(That's a lot of parentheses I'm using here. Hmmm. What if someone left a comment just in parentheses? :)! How about a whole book in parentheses?)

oneperson said...

*chuckle* I think my eyes would get dizzy with a whole book or parenthesis. ;D

Thanks for reading and commenting. Yah, risk taking. I think my risk taking was trying to meet unmet needs from childhood. I'd think that's some of the reason us humans take certain risks.

One of my favorite adapted quotes is from Bilbo Baggins is "It's dangerous business going out your front door."

The real quote is "It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out of your door. You step into the Road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no knowing where you might be swept off to."