July 28, 2013


Tonight I googled "In quest of a quiet life."

I like that word.

Today has been difficult; I have felt completely drained of energy.
I've taken two naps both times awaking with the tingling feeling of wearing gloves where there are no gloves.
Even my feet were sore today. They've not been sore in a long time.

Peripheral neuropathy is sometimes described as having a glove-and-stocking symptomology. Before I ever read about that, I told my first neurologist: "I finally figured out how to describe what my hands feel like when I wake up. They feel like I am wearing boxing gloves."

However, I've never worn boxing gloves. But that is how I described my hands - like they were weighted and muted.

I am in process of down-sizing my business by 80%. The decision has been in process since February, 2013. Finally around June, I made the final decision to downsize. My business has been successful and outgrew my desire of what I want to oversee; actually it out grew what I have the ability to oversee. Son, who helps me run the business, is moving out of town this month. He and I and Hubby have been with my little business since March, 2011.

The past two and a half years have been quite a journey for me.
What have a learned?
Will what I've learned stick with me?
What is next for me?

Quiet? Perhaps.

What is next for my family?

I'll have some space and time...at least I hope so.

I like that word.

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