January 13, 2017

"How are you?"

Since surgery on 8/30/16,
I have been quite isolated.
I still am,
though I am now able to get out of the house on some days.

Other days it takes all my effort to just get out of bed,
much less get dressed.
Thinking and conversing on those days is difficult;
cognitive energy goes into performing simple daily tasks.
Socializing takes lots of effort,
and then I end up...

Most days I have to gauge where and how to "spend" my energy,
("spend" in quotes,
because I prefer thinking of energy as more like time,
more like a state of being,
rather than a commodity,
even though it is a "commodity").
I know everyone has to do this.
But it is more complex when a person lives with chronic pain/illness/disability.

Since my surgery
I have suffered deep depression and intense anxiety,
along with insomnia.
I have had some good days.
But most have been rough.
My days pre-surgery were rough enough.

Since living with nerve damage
(which started in Spring, 2011),
I often find it difficult to answer the question,
"How are you?"

If I'm suffering and the question is from a close friend,
I usually let on.
"I'm miserable,"
or "I'm having a shitty day,"
or something to that effect.

If I'm suffering and the person asking is more of an acquaintance than a close friend,
I typically respond,
"I'm hanging in there."
Sometimes I respond that way with my close friends.
It's such a drag to always hear,
"I'm struggling."

But every day I struggle.
And more so since surgery.

In the past few months, I've been journaling mostly with pen and paper.

I wrote a a few CBT thought-records,
due to my high anxiety.

I journaled explosive rants,
sometimes in LARGE ALL CAPS.
I chiseled scratch-marks diagonally across whole pages of my journal.
Not literally chiseled,
but that's how I felt.

And I journaled some "good" things too,
("good" in quotes,
because I don't like thinking of life as "good" or "bad,"
but rather,
that life simply is,
even though it is "good" and "bad"),
like what I accomplished on a given day
or what I have to be thankful for.

I got maybe one working poem out of my past-few-months scribblings.
maybe two.


Well, this mini-ramble has ended up differently than I was thinking.
I thought I was going to write about my social media history and the whys behind my involvement and then dis-involvement.
Maybe later.



Anna Maria said...

Sometimes when someone asks casually asks me "how are you?" I feel like screaming..."Not feeling f*%^$in well at all!" You Carol, are much more patient than I usually am when I'm in pain. Happy you got at least one good poem written. I wouldn't know where to begin to write about my "social media history." You have continued to do a great job with you blogs describing your tribulations as well as your triumphs. Hope to hear soon that you are feeling much better and enjoying all the pursuits you love. Actually I'm in a good period and plan on doing some traveling next week. Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. God Bless!

Bruce Gerencser said...

Thanks for sharing this.

My default answer is "fine." Of course,I'm not fine, but most people who inquire about my health are just being polite. If intoldvthem the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth....why they'd never come near me again. 😀

Sometimes I answer, I'm still amoung the living. 😀 'Tis true regardless of how I am feeling.

oneperson said...

Thanks Anna!

I've thought of blogs as not being part of "social media." But, as I've been reading the past couple days and thinking on it more, I think that "online social networking" better describes the history I'm thinking of. At times that has included my blogs...and it still is part of them, but to a much lesser extent since I get less traffic (and thus comments), which I prefer at this point. All of my online postings have been closely entwined with my exit from The Way and from a fundamentalist Christian doctrine. My social media involvement details phases?) of my deconversion. It may be a good exercise for me - reviewing that history....

And there I go starting down a rabbit hole. lol

Wonderful to hear you are in a good period and are doing some traveling! I upped some of medicine on Friday, and it has brought some relief so I can make it to my next injections in a week, on 1/23.

Happy travels and godspeed!

oneperson said...

Thank you Bruce!

I used to use "fine" and just couldn't use it anymore. lol

Sometimes when I've asked my son how he is, he's responded, "I'm still above ground." :) His tone of voice is most always "up." First time he said that it took me a few seconds to get it.

Today (after increasing my prednisone on Friday), I can genuinely answer, "I'm doing okay today." :)

I've been sleeping better too, for almost a week now. "Better" for me means I'm getting around 6 hours a night (in two shifts) as opposed to 3 or 4 sporadic hours a night. One night this week I slept 10 hours! Yay for blessed sweet sleep. :)

I'd come near you again if you always told the whole truth and nothing but the truth. I feel sure too, we'd find some humor in our commiserating. :D

Much love to you and Polly and the family...

Denise said...

I would love to see both poems. You are so talented! I like your analogy about spending your energy is like spending your money. We have a limited amount, so we choose where to spend it.

oneperson said...

Thanks Denise. <3

If I get the possible poem cleaned up a bit, I'll send it your way. I was thinking I could turn this blog piece into a poem of sorts.