2/22/17, Wed. 11:41 AM at Starbucks on Oakland
So I thought I'd try to write something this morning to see if any creative juices are left. I was thinking last night, or yesterday, that in order to prime the pump, I need to...
just write.
For years when I journaled I wondered...
What will I do with this writing? Am I a narcissist because of all the time I spend writing? It seems a selfish act -- to journal and write so much. What will I ever do with all this writing? What is the profit?
Those were thoughts I had while in The Way. I wrote and wrote and wrote -- journaling my thoughts and doubts and confusion and pain which did lead to insights and to doors opening to solutions.
But it felt selfish. I'd feel guilty for writing.
I asked my psychologist at the time, "Am I a narcissist?"
He answered with a definite and emphatic, "No."
I countered, "But all this writing I do about myself and my inner life...and myself, isn't that narcissism?"
Again he replied, "No."
We then discussed narcissism and how it exists on a scale. All humans have some "narcissism;" without it we'd never survive as a species. There is so-called healthy narcissism...
Bleh...here I am again -- slipping into thinking about presentation as I write.
Carol, how can you get back to writing for yourself, not others?
At first I must write for myself. Then I can edit it for the view of others. But first draft -- just fall into the writing.
Remember how you used to love to write? You just wrote for the pure joy of writing.
Where has that gone and how can I get it back?
I am continually surprised how few people know about the endocannabinoid system.
What should I write? Try my pen at a poem?
I feel I offended you
I struggle with this often --
But in trying to relay that
I struggle with this often --
this feeling that I offend others
I want you to know that I careBut in trying to relay that
without directly telling you
I fumble and my words comeout too bluntly
Often, I cannot retrieve from my brain the proper words
I'd probably be better off tosay nothing
To think we own the land is preposterous. The land is on loan to us humans. It will eventually go back to itself. Skyscrapers congregated on an acre, all that heavy weight concentrated in one small area multiplied in big cities. A time will come when it will collapse. It's not a matter of if. It is a matter of when.
10 years?
At some point the earth will say, "No more," unless we destroy ourselves first.
It will collapse. And then people will fan out like they did to the wild west. Maybe we need some more "wild" and less civilized offense taken at everything. Just a thought segueing off what you said.
We might have to find another planet! Ha.
Reading your comment brought to mind 3 books:
1) "The Lorax" by Dr. Seuss, and "biggering" as Dr. Seuss puts it. So called "progress" by destroying the trees to make more goods for supposed comfort or to meet manufactured needs.
2) "Margin" by Richard Swenson, which is about so-called progress and how it exacts "margin" out of our lives. Margin -- the open space around the edges to help buffer the onslaughts life throws at us. That margin can be eaten up, unless we say, "No."
3) The book of Romans, Chapter 8, in the Bible. The verse that states the whole creation groaneth and travaileth. I think of the earth and all her creatures groaning at the weight and burdens humans have put upon her.
But, as far as the collapse from the concentrated weight from buildings in small areas...it's probably not something that will happen. Even though I do wonder about it and am amazed at how much weight the earth holds in those small areas. Bombs on the other hand...well, we know what those do.
I was thinking this morning about the weight of the pyramids and how those giant structures are still around after thousands of years. Then I thought of archaeological ruins that have been found buried under pounds and mounds of earth. Those buried cities were constructed of natural materials, at least as far as I know. Those ruins blend with the earth. When our buildings collapse or are bombed, they won't blend so well...with all their steel and electrical wires and various types of insulation.
It'd be a good thing if the part of the bible about a new earth is true. I guess that'd be kind of like another planet. ;)
Thanks for reading and commenting Denise!
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