April 11, 2017

Number 16

I received my routine lumbar epidural today, number 16.
Along with my routine neck injections, number I-don't-know.

I received my first epidural in either December, 2013, or early January, 2014.
I should look that up sometime.
We started out with every 6 weeks, then I had to move to every 12 weeks.
I can't recall if my first epidural was combined with neck shots.

I started getting neck injections every 6 weeks in 2015, I think it was.
We added them between the every-12-week-epidural-neck-shots-combo so I wouldn't have to boost my prednisone as often.
It worked and still works.
I don't receive epidurals in my neck.

I hope this number 16 combo works as well as number 15 on January 23.
This round I won't be starting a new drug during post-week 3, like I did last round.

The new drug is for my bone-density.
One of the side-effects of steroids is bone loss.

I reacted to the drug I tried during last round.
No surprise there.
So I stopped it, after 4 weeks.
Side effects began abating 9 days later.

This round I will try a different bone-density drug in post-week 10 instead of post-week 3.
Like the last round, I'll observe and take notes.

My life is a science of notes, or notes of science, or something.
I get tired of it.

Plus I'm still recovering from surgery.

But I won't think too much about all that for now.
I want to enjoy the upcoming relief as much as I'm able.
Even if it's just a few weeks.

I know some folks get little to no relief with whatever chronic condition they might manage.
I'm lucky in that regard.
I'm thankful for my "good" weeks.


I continue to bike.
But I'm not back to pre-surgery ability yet.
And I'm okay with that, for now.

Back in October I set a goal.
Ten miles a week with my rolling walker.
Forty miles a week on my bicycle.
That was wishful thinking.

Now my adjusted goal for 2017 is 1200 miles on my bike.
Which means I need to bike an average of about 31 miles a week.
That's doable.
It's less than last year, due to on-going recovery from surgery.
And I'm okay with that, for now.

I haven't set an adjusted goal for walkering.
Maybe I'll just try to walker regularly, as a goal.
I'm okay with that too.

I've taken to more assistance with a cane, for shorter distances.
Up to 1/4 or 1/2 mile.
I'm okay with that too.



Anonymous said...

I wish I had the energy to walk or bike that much ... or could be that long without having to have a bathroom nearby. Ulcerative colitis, which I have dealt with since 2009, sucks. I am happy for you for the relief you get from your injections, even if only temporary.


oneperson said...

Yes, I'm thankful for wheels. And canes and trekking poles And the relief I've found. My good weeks are such a contrast to my bad weeks. At least the dis-ease follows a pattern so I can plan. And I continually recall the improvement I've received overall, compared to where I was a couple years ago and the direction I seemed to be heading at that point. I don't know yet if the trajectory has changed, but it's at least slowed down. And I keep trying "the next thing" as the next thing presents itself.

I'm so sorry about the UC. I know that takes strategic planning too, on multiple fronts. Managing a chronic illness can be overwhelming and draining. Yet we adapt as best we can. And I understand the energy drain too.
((( <3 )))

Thanks for reading and commenting SP. Always good to "see" you. <3