May 1, 2017


In an earlier post I stated I had tweaked my Way story and thought I was happy with it.

I was wrong. Ha!

So, I've been re-tweaking and re-tweaking. It will probably be an ongoing project.

But, I feel that Parts 1 and 2 are more complete.

I again rearranged some paragraphs and the lay out. And I've added more personal details which hopefully add some color to the narrative. In the past, those details were just too big of a task for me even though I'd written about them in various memoir vignettes posted on my blog(s).

I also added a link to a blog post I wrote "About The Way," which describes some of the doctrines and just a wee bit of history.

Part 3 needs quite a bit of work and will be the most difficult. It covers a lot of years. I may have to add an additional addendum or two to flesh out more details. I'll see as I go along.

About The Way
My story, Part 1
My story, Part 2


Update, 5/03/17
I got Part 3 tweaked, again...
My story, Part 3


Anna Maria said...

Hi Carol...happy to read you are feeling well enough to tweak and tweak some more. That is what it takes to get it to where one day you will be satisfied that you have done the best job you can. I found there are many things you forget the first few go rounds and the more you edit the more you remember. Good luck and I hope your health keeps improving. Sending good vibes your way.

oneperson said...

Thank you Anna!

Yes, I think that's true about the more you edit, the more you recall. I'm thankful too for the memoir pieces I've written in the past. They're handy. :D

Thanks for the good vibes. I'm hoping for improvement. We just don't know yet.