October 21, 2017

Abnormal normals

In perusing things I've posted about Trump on my blog, I'm reminded that my opinion of the madman hasn't changed. I mostly think he is an outright sociopath, incapable of empathy or feeling remorse. At the very least, he is an extreme narcissist.

I hesitate to give the madman more attention on my blog. It feels as if mentioning his name feeds his narcissistic supply in some ethereal sphere and like I am playing into his game to agitate and irritate and incite outrage. And I do feel those things.

I recently read an article that posed the question, "Remember life before Trump's tweets?" I chuckled, but only for a moment. The man takes up too much space in my head. I don't like that. It's kind of like living with an invisible, chronic illness - not readily seen by others but always present reminding the one who is ill of his or her new "abnormal normals."

Too often, as I go about my abnormal-normal day, I wonder...

How can I allow myself to feel that things are "normal" with this madman at the helm of our country? I feel like I'm pretending as I go about my life as if all this shit in the air doesn't bother me. Add to that the string of recent tragedies, still in emergency or recovery mode. I have a home and fresh water and food and income, and my family is safe. I feel a tinge of guilt, if that's the right word, because my needs are met.

You've felt this before at times of tragedy, upheaval, death. This feeling that once trauma happens it seems forgotten in a matter of days or weeks, though it's not forgotten. People have to keep living through the aftermath. Survivors have to keep moving, even as they process and grieve. 

But this Trump shit, it's like there is no end to it. There is aftermath after aftermath. Almost every day I wonder, "What damage will he inflict today, and on whom?"

To help ground myself, I tell myself...

Drop it. [and then note whatever I'm doing at the moment, such as...] Woman sitting, playing with dog.

I take in a deep breath, hold it momentarily, exhale, and pause...

I am in the place where I am at this moment in front of me. Things may not be "normal," but all I can do is continue doing what I am supposed to do as best I can - care for myself, my family, my neighbor, the environment. All I can do is what I can do. Be kind...be kind.


I limit my reading of Trump. Take intentional breaks. But I still read him and occasionally watch his speeches or self-inflated hoopla at his campaign rallies. Why? Partly because I care and am concerned; I don't want to bury my head in the sand. Partly because of my continued journey in understanding my own experience with cults and narcissists and sociopaths. I'm sure there are more "partlies," but I'll stop with those two.

I think what bothers me more than the madman himself is when his supporters rationalize his lies and bully-behavior, thereby normalizing that which isn't normal for the office of the president. I lived this normalizing-the-abnormal in The Way, especially under Martindale's tenure from 1982 through 2000. I experienced it on a more personal level with John Knapp. And I see the same pattern with Trump and those who try to explain away or reinterpret his flagrant lies, name calling, one-upmanship, disregard for norms of the office, belittling, blaming victims, claiming to be a victim, having to win, being unable to take criticism, and more.

In my experience, sociopaths are mercurial creatures; they wear masks according to whichever game they are playing at a given moment. Of course, all humans wear masks to some degree, such as in private-versus-public life. There are certain standards in society that we endeavor to live by, and rightly so. Those standards can vary according to the culture and the times.

But the sociopath's masks are worn always for their own gain regardless of the expense to others. To them, life is all about winning. As long as they come out on top or appear to come out on top, that's all that really matters. Their masks can crack with enough pressure. Pressure from when their cover stories are proven false again and again or when enough loyal believers defect. The sociopath's paranoia can become more dominant causing a fissure in the mask. If they don't repair the fissure, it can grow. But even if their mask cracks, they won't genuinely admit they were wrong. Instead, they remake themselves, from what I've seen, first into some sort of victim and then into another role, or continuing their same role after some whitewash, in order to feed their narcissistic supply.

I'm hoping Trump's mask cracks. But, he's 70 years old and has played his games for a long time.

I will not dismiss my flags regarding Trump.
My Trump flags are not red, white, and blue.
They are mostly red, and sometimes yellow...casting shadows.


Anna Maria said...

Great post and ideas Carol! As I've mentioned before, you are probably wise not to do FB anymore because everytime I open it up there are dozens of articles and ugly photos of this sociopath's failings there to frustrate me and I often feel compelled to voice my own opinions. I honestly fear for the future for my Children and Grandchildren for what this narcissistic fool is liable to do that can't be undone like nuclear war. Why didn't they heed the warnings during the election when he Asked, "What do we have nukes for if we are not going to use them?" He wants to rip our healthcare, medicare, and social security to shreds assuming he has enough money in the bank to be able to afford things the vast majority of us cannot. He poses more of a threat to the world than anyone since Hitler as far as I'm concerned and I do hope something or someone comes along soon and takes him down...hopefully the Russian investigation will do that. I firmly believes he won't criticize Putin for a wicked reason.

April said...

I could relate as i read what you have written. "Be kind..." I really try to do that, but at times I'm having to fight fire with fire. :( I realized he would get into office when some people i know personally & from work, who I like (lol) told me they were voting for him. That's when it hit me like a ton of bricks..he really has a GOOD chance to get elected. As you mentioned in another piece, I do think many voted for him because they were sick of the *same ole same ole*. Thing is he is so much WORSE than the crap we've had to deal with in the past.

How could they not see what he is by the way he treated business partners that he didn't pay and stiffed?! How could they not see with his fraudulent "Trump University"?! How could they not see when he was making fun of people who have disabilities?! How could they not see when they know how he has spoken & behaved towards women? How could they think for a minute that he would understand their plight as blue collar working or unemployed Americans when he was born with a platinum spoon in his mouth?? (i know all rich folks are NOT like Drumpf, thankfully, but it was obvious to me that he has never gave a damn for those who are disenfranchised) I SMH over and over. When I think *it surely can't get any worse that what it is..* it does. :( We've got a teenager as POTUS. Perhaps he is a reflection of so much selfishness and narcissism in the ranks of US citizens. It is very disconcerting. I feel you girl...I feel you :(

oneperson said...

Always great to hear from you Anna.

"Ugly photos" brought me a chuckle. Not that they're 'funny,' but it reminds of how photos of Trump have caused me a bit of nausea at times. I can't recall ever filling nauseated in response to a photo of an individual. But maybe I have and just can't remember.

After Trump won the election, one of my first thoughts was that we'll have war sooner on our soil with Trump than we would with Clinton. That was followed by the thought "same with more sooner wars abroad." People may despise Hillary, but at least she acts with diplomacy and her rhetoric wouldn't incite war as speedily as Trump's winner-takes-all. Even though war will probably eventually happen on our soil, at least diplomacy allows a longer time frame and a chance for possible opportunities for non-violent resolutions. But Trump threatening to destroy an entire country..."my god" is my response. And that's just one thing he's said.

Words matter...and especially words of the leader of a global super power.

I probably need to read more about the Russian probe. Initially, with the little I read, I thought the investigators wouldn't find collusion as far as Trump's campaign. After Trump's firing of whoever-it-was because of the Russian probe, my flags went up, and I thought they probably would find unscrupulous (but maybe not criminal) business dealings between Trump's org and Russia - transactions that Trump was/is aware of. As I read a little more about the campaign-collusion and Manafort and Russia - well...maybe there was collusion.

My daughter's boyfriend was in the Navy and was injured in Afghanistan. He was awarded two purple hearts and his major on the GI bill is political science. I have much respect for his insight and opinions. He has been keeping a close eye on the Russian probe (and Trump and Administration in general). His opinion was (and I guess still is) that there is plenty of dirt on Trump's hands re the Russian investigaion. If that's the case, I wonder...will Trump find a way to wiggle out? Not that he'd be the first politician/person-of-influence to find a wiggle-out-loophole.

As always, thanks for reading and commenting.

Hope all are well your way. <3

oneperson said...

Hey April! Nice to see your here. :)

I have a few good friends who voted for Trump. One of their main reasons was the economy. Time will tell what happens in that category. So far, it appears that Wall Street is making good - but I've read that that trend dates back to Obama's years and that Trumps influence won't show up until months to come. (I can't recall the exact timing.) I don't know how accurate that is. Trump, as his manner is, takes credit for Wall Street doing better.

But, how much does Wall Street's 'improvement' really help out the poor and middle classes? And is it really doing better? Will it come down in a crash later (similar to what happened shortly before Obama took office)?

You stated "Perhaps he is a reflection of so much selfishness and narcissism in the ranks of US citizens." Could be. I endeavor to give the benefit of the doubt to folks...and even society. And that most Americans aren't selfish or plagued with unhealthy narcissism. I think folks are just so frustrated with policies that have caused manufacturing to move outside the US, along with other issues, that they are pissed. And rightly so. And Trump's rhetoric then fuels that anger. And that leads to Trump's bully-rhetoric being acceptable; ie: normalizing it. And some folks then join in following Trump's example. (I realize I'm just repeating what you said, and I know you know that all too well and have witnessed it elsewhere.)

I think of children who are watching all this. How does it influence their thinking and behavior? When I watched part of Trump's campaign speech (on some network or local news station) where he called certain NFL players "sons of bitches," the news had to bleep those words. Has that ever happened before with a president? And what president has ever started their campaign for the upcoming election 4 years later right after taking office? I read from one of Trump's own staff (I think it was Kellyann Conway) that Trump needs those campaign rallies to help keep him built up and motivated, or something like that. My thought was, "Of course he does. He needs that narcissistic supply fed."

Thanks for reading and commenting.

April said...

I find it odd that Drumpf is always having little or bigly "rallies". Why? You are probably right, the constant narcissistic supply needs to keep coming for him to feel validated or whatever? He had taken credit for things improving, that had nothing to do with any policies that or his administration implemented. Instead, the improvements came from what the prior administration had done. Drumpf was taking credit for less unemployment or something that he had NOTHING to do with. smh I think he lacks diplomacy & doesn't understand to tread cautiously and as you say, Words MATTER. I think by the way he talks, he probably doesn't or even cannot THINK deeply. Makes me wonder anyhow?

Want to add that I am getting sick of seeing him thru the media..but POTUS always seems to do something that's outrageous & or offensive/ignorant. I hate how he ATTACKS PEOPLE. He doesn't ever deal with issues, just personal attacks "sons of bitches..". He is being willingly blind to the WHYS of what Kaepernick has done & is doing. Drumpf totally missing the point, as his sycophants do. :( And so often it is about HIM...he's the BEST, the BIGGEST, he KNOWS more than anyone... blah blah blah. It is documented, him saying that kind of stuff. My high schooler has more intelligence and tact than our current POTUS. Thanks for letting me vent. LOL XO

oneperson said...

Vent as needed. ;)

You stated that your teenage son has more tact than Trump. Which brought to mind tweets.

I'm not on FB but am on Twitter. Sometimes I'll tweet something and then think, "That was a stupid tweet." One time when I thought that my immediate next thought was, "Well, it's not as stupid as Trump's tweets!" :D

Thanks again for reading and commenting...