October 26, 2017

To post or not to post...

authentic writing workshop, 10/25/17
non-subject: storm brewing

I'm tired. A thousand things come into my head to write about. Not really a thousand, but a shitload.

Between October 14th and October 21st I wrote three different blog posts about Trump. Even though it was only one week's time, it felt longer - I think because of my struggle with whether or not to voice more Trump thoughts on my blog, how much to voice, and trying to put into coherent words many of the thoughts that had been scrambling around in my head.

On October 14th I wrote a piece entitled Demand for purity. I went into detail about my thoughts regarding the recent controversy of the State trying to coerce private business into requiring employees to express loyalty to the State anthem and flag. Such coercion brings to mind a "demand for purity." As my manner is, and not that I like it, I ended up over-explaining the dialog in my head.

In that same piece I wrote about Trump's assertion that mainstream media is the "enemy of the people." I consider his continued ravings against the news media as an attempt at information control. I pondered how Trump's information control compares to that of previous administrations. I mentioned Trump's narcissism and pondered how it compares with other presidents. I pondered why Trump causes me so much angst.

At the end of the piece I listed Dr. Robert J. Lifton's theory of the Eight Criteria for Thought Reform. "Demand for purity" and "control of information" are part of his eight criteria. Lifton is a psychiatrist who, among other things, studied the effects of thought reform on POWs from the Korean war. I first read some of Lifton's works after I left The Way and began educating myself about cults, group-think, brainwashing, coercive persuasion, et al.

I didn't post the October 14th piece.

On October 18th I wrote another blog-post-that-never-became-a-blog-post. In this second piece I describe what I wrote about in the first blog-post-that-never-became-a-blog-post, condensing the subjects into a few paragraphs.

I wrote a bit more about Trump as a sociopath. I included links to symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder and antisocial personality disorder - the disorders associated with psychopathy and sociopathy, subjects which I read about in depth after my bizarre Knapp experience as I endeavored to wrap my head around what had happened. The only plausible explanation I came up with was a personality disorder or sociopathy or psychopathy, which also explains behaviors of certain top leaders in The Way. Trump displays the same traits. In the piece I stated that if it walks like a duck, looks like a duck, and acts like a duck, it probably is a duck. I entitled the piece, Donald Duck.

But, I never posted the October 18th piece.

On October 21st I wrote a third piece spring-boarding off my second blog-post-that-never-became-a-blog-post. But this time, I threw off the psychology experts. I wanted to write my own words, my own descriptions, what I've learned from my personal experience.  I entitled the piece Abnormal normals.

At first I didn't post the piece. What difference would it make? Would I feel I'm just hollering into a well? My blog is not on search engines, and it gets read by very few. How vulnerable would I feel after posting it? Would I feel self-conscious for four or five days? What if some people do read and comment and I feel I have to defend my opinion and position?  Should I just keep my mouth shut? By keeping quiet, am I allowing the silencing girth to bind me?

Such were some of the contemplations rolling through my head.

On October 22nd I ended up in a conversation discussing my quandary. The listener gave me more to ponder. As a result of that conversation and the more-pondering, I put a few more edits on the 3rd piece and posted it the morning of October 23rd. But I left the published-post-date as October 21st, since that was when I wrote the piece.

To my surprise, instead of feeling vulnerable and self-conscious, I felt lighter. I wondered, Maybe it's not such a bad thing to dump my Trump thoughts every so often on my blog.

The self-consciousness and self-doubt did raise their heads the next day. But not too loudly or harshly.

I wonder why posting has a more burden-lightening effect than keeping my thoughts private in a journal? Perhaps it has something to do with the silencing factor.

After leaving The Way, where I had lived silence for so long, a friend said to me, "The silence has been deafening, no?"

In the October 21st piece I state, "In my experience, sociopaths are mercurial creatures..."

Three days later on October 24th, Senator Jeff Flake addressed the Senate stating he would not run for re-election and why, expressing his concerns and misgivings about the current administration. Flake used that same word, "mercurial," in one of his statements addressing Trump's behavior, specifically Trump's tweets and their consequences. Flake stated, "The notion that we should say or do nothing in the face of such mercurial behavior is ahistoric and, I believe, profoundly misguided."

His use of that same word arrested my attention and caused me to pause, yet again...



Alice said...

I wonder why posting has a more burden-lightening effect than keeping my thoughts private in a journal? Perhaps it has something to do with the silencing factor.

I know what you mean. I honestly don't pay much attention to the political scene, I kind of feel like it's all rigged anyway. To me, Trump seems like a cartoon character. But, I definitely understand your concerns, it is concerning.

Anna Maria said...

I know your quandary Carol, just as Alice above does. I do refuse to be silenced when I see injustice so clearly being spread all over social media. At my ripe old age I figure, "What the hell!" If they don't know how and why I feel about matters by now, they never will, but I'll keep telling them. I've got lots of time to write...thank goodness. I just posted my Democratic opinion on FB about the "new" scandal spreading like wildfire about George Bush Sr. being accused of "sexual assault" and I think it's ridiculous considering how many millions of women have GOOD reason to let everyone know they were "sexually assaulted." My view on it? There is not a single finger pointed at him from the time he was an honored dive bomber pilot in WWII thru his presidency until after he got sick. I’m going with a psychiatrist’s view. “This kind of behavior is Atypical for Bush SR. Considering the guy who is 94 years old is possibly suffering from Alzheimer’s and Dementia, it’s likely he is not in control of his actions. I deal with patients with these conditions all the time, most of their behavior is usually out of character for them as said by their families.” There is not one single “sexual” blight on his record from the time he was an honorable dive bomber pilot in WWII thru his Presidency until he became ill. Why defile him now???

oneperson said...

Re the system ....I think my son was around 5 years old when he asked how voting works. I kept it simple and said that people vote for a person who they think will best serve in a given position and whoever gets the most votes, wins.

He responded, "Oh. It's a game!" Lol A lot of truth in his response.

Your "cartoon character" description is the third serendipitous, exact word-match in my Knapp-Trump sociopathic-traits comparison. (Hope that makes some sense.)

When John Knapp was unraveling in the spring/summer of 2011 before his mask cracked, a psychologist (who didn't know Knapp personally but was observing Knapp's online posts and behavior) stated to me re his observations, "It's like watching a cartoon character."

Maybe this third exact word-match is a sign! Three strikes and he's out! Lol

I don't truly believe in signs per se, but I do find theses serendipitous, exact word-matches interesting.

The other two times are the words "mercurial" mentioned above and "Have a nice life," which were Trump's last words to Tony Schwartz and Knapp's last words to me.

I posted about the "have a nice life" last words in a February 1 blog post. Here's the paragraph from that post:
"But it was an article I read in The New Yorker that struck home on a personal level: 'Donald Trump's Ghostwriter Tells All.' As I was reading the article the first time, it was like reading about my harmful experience and relationship with John Knapp, my previous mental health therapist whose license was revoked in 2014. Then when I got to the end of the article and read Trump's final words to Schwartz, my mouth dropped open in an "OMG" moment -- '...[Trump] said, 'Have a nice life.' Trump hung up.' 'Have a nice life' were Knapp's exact last words to me in a 2010 email. Knapp also used those same words with others when his mask cracked publicly online in 2011. I'm no Tony Schwartz and Knapp is no Donald Trump, but Trump's manipulative tactics are the same and oh so recognizable."

Thanks for reading and commenting Alice! Nice to "see" you.
~Carol :)

oneperson said...

Thanks Anna.

My quandary is probably better described as one of my insecurities. But I know I'm not alone. Hopefully it's becoming less of an issue for me.

Thanks for sharing that about George Sr. Great points! I've only read one article and a few headlines on the subject. It's probably not something I'll keep up with. I'm glad that psychiatrist spoke up with his viewpoint and experience.

Thanks for the inspiration to keep on speaking up. :)

Alice said...

That's really weird. I don't know I always thought "cartoon character" when I looked at Trump. I don't even know why, it just seems so spot on.