September 15, 2022
"Always trust your cape..."
August 1, 2022
"Life is amazing, then it sucks, then it's amazin' again..."
Deer feasting at Ole Pine |
Me & 2-week-old Trouble, RR Grade Rd, 7/23/22 |
July 13, 2022
Up and down
Week 12, Day 2
June 25, 2022
Will it be enough...
I've been able to stay at 6 milligrams prednisone, except for one day when I had to go up to 8 milligrams. I don't know how long I can continue at 6 milligrams, but I will stay at 6 as long as viable. That I've been able to stay at 6 since receiving my cervical spine trigger point injections on 5/24, is quite remarkable. Normally, in week 11, I'd be taking 15 to 17 milligrams and titrating down and then maybe up and down before my routine steroid lumbar epidural after the end of week 12. And even then, my symptoms would be ... really .... bad.
The next week-and-a-half and beyond? I just don't know what is going to happen with my symptoms.
Two days a week, I drive a 3-to-4 hour round trip for my laser treatments. With driving, plus the appointment and pitstops, the whole trip takes around 6 (or more) hours. I usually go on Mondays and Thursday. I am scheduled through the end of August.
In my studies, I read that the human body produces around 7 milligrams of cortisol per day. So, I have tried to keep my daily prednisone below 7 as much as I can to help my adrenal glands to keep producing at least some of their own natural steroids. My adrenal glands are no doubt functioning at a low level after over a decade of steroids; not only oral, but also injections which have ranged from over 240 to 120 milligrams per every 6-week injections/epidural treatment. (Actually, it's been longer than over a decade; in my past chronic illness life, steroids kept me breathing. But I was able to get off them after almost 20 years, and I no longer suffer with asthma.)
June 8, 2022
The trek took a turn...
I don't have Parkinson's, but the words are describing me...
They get it. They totally get it.
That's me. And biking.
OMG! YES!!! That's it exactly! Living in these 12-week cycles divided into 6 weeks each. That is exactly how it's been, a Dantesque level of hell and being bumped around between those levels. Oh, the many times in my journals that I've written about the insanity of it!! It could drive a body madd, if they let it.
He gets it all the way. Not exactly me. But damn close. When I discovered I could ride a bike despite my nerve damage, and that cycling brought me good temporary relief, I knew I had to cycle to keep my synapses firing. It was like, I had to cycle to keep my nerve cells communicating. If I didn't, they'd go quiet really quickly. Cycling wasn't and isn't an option for me, if I want to stay mobile. It's my job. And moving, especially everyday movements of dressing, walking, writing, standing, bathing, whatevering... takes so much focus. Cycling less so, once I'm in the saddle and pedaling. Getting on and off the bike? Focus, focus.
Me: "What do we do if they stop working?"
Dr. N, in his American-Swedish accent, answered, "I don't know." *pause* "But we're not gonna think about that right now."
"It's good you came in. These are the fatal kind..."
I had no pain.
For about the prior week, off and on, I'd had more dizziness and shortness of breath and fatigue than I normally would, but these are symptoms I have anyway that come and go in duration and severity with polyradiculitis-on-steroids.
But definitely a narrow path in a valley, between looming rocky cliffs that cast their shadows into the path.
How will I fare through the shadows?
My medical and wellness team and I have a plan.
The Trek: Valley-ravine of Shadows |
I'm at the bottom of the drawing, on the trail, wearing a hat and headlamp, with my trekking poles, hiking up the trail which goes all the way to the top end of the page (though it's kinda hard to see the very end of the trail).
Since April 29th I've started drawing using a technique called neurographic art. Most of my pics are black-and-white and are drawn in my regular journal. But I've drawn a couple in my mind-body sketch journal, and I colored them. I used color pencils....
The conversation: all systems working... |
April 22, 2022
Wardrobe change...
A couple weeks ago I discovered the "Search This Blog" gadget (that's the real term - "gadget") wasn't working on toss & ripple.
One of the suggested fixes is to change what's called the "theme," which is the design format.
So, toss & ripple is going thru some wardrobe changes. Maybe one of them will have a gadget fix. First change isn't working, and I don't really like the looks of it. But it takes time to format this stuff, so the second change will come along at some point.
A day later:
Okay. Tried a couple more themes and that still doesn't fix the "search this blog" gadget. But when I use those same other themes on a different blog, the "search this blog" function works. So, there's obviously another problem. Not sure if I'll dig deeper to see if I can fix it.
And for now, I'm sticking with this new design format with its default hues: water droplets in the atmosphere with dark hues in the background....
Another day later:
Well, that didn't last long.
I didn't like the dark hues, at least not for this blog.
So, back to the wardrobe closet...
One of my new favorite songs. Right now, it's my favorite. But that will eventually change...
Oh well...
April 17, 2022
Delighted by almonds...
Authoritarian rule. Totalitarianism. The elite.
March 22, 2022
Filled with purpose...
I did post (most of it) on my poetry blog back in November.
March 7, 2022
I'm never ready....
I received my routine cervical spine injections last Tuesday, March 1st.
I started receiving them in December 2013 or January 2014.
At some point I was able to reduce them from every 6 to every 12 weeks rotating with my lumbar epidural.
Like other times, I begin to cry, partly from sheer exhaustion...
The "let-down" releases the full-breast feeling...
Or even tries to cheer me up.
I know the inflammation will come again...
And we, my body and I, will do it all over...
Beyond my grasp...
But I don't feel like looking through my journal for anything to share.
I look at the dead flies I have caught in my homemade fly trap.
A tall thick drinking glass in which I've poured about one inch of apple cider vinegar, a touch of honey, and a few drops of dish soap.
Plastic wrap, held on by a rubber band, covers the top of the glass.
In the plastic wrap I made four holes, large enough for the flies to enter, attracted by the vinegar and honey, and unable to exit because of soapy wings.
I apologized to the flies.
It feels kind of cruel to trap and kill them this way.
I had tried to get them out of the porch other ways, but without success.
I justified the trap telling myself when I made it, "Well, at least they might enjoy the honey and vinegar during their last moments."
I've caught 4 flies in the last few days.
Some live ones are still buzzing around on the porch.
I close my eyes.
I take in the wind through my body.
The wind feeds the fires, the fires that are such a permanent landscape of my inner life.The multiple fires that burn upon the laurel leaves that float upon the pond of grief.The eternal flame that burns atop my grief vessel.The grief vessel is a vase of ceramic or maybe ceramic-and-precious metal mix.It can be whatever I want, morphing if I so desire.Designs are carved in the vase so I can see inside where clay balls of different sizes and colors rest.The vessel sits in front of what I call my Sol Disc which pulsates like the sun.Sol Disc is located in my solar plexus area.Other campfires burn upon the hill.Many campfires attended by different parts of me that have come out of hiding since June.These parts of me are stick people.They are abundant.Back in June they were crammed in a dark tunnel.Now the tunnel is gone.They used the rocks of the tunnel to build campfire areas, where they work to aid my inner life.The tunnel had led to an underground oasis which opened up farther up the hill to another world where I can shape shift.Even though the tunnel is gone, I can still visit the oasis and ride my unicorn until I shift into a crow and then become an eagle.Waters from the oasis flow like a small river underground down and inside the right side of my torso and meet up below my belly with the pond of grief.These sacred, life-giving waters feed the pond of grief.
February 28, 2022
An experiment...
Part 1 is divided into 5 parts:1: Back to the Garden...2: Latchkey kid...3: Speaking in tongues & filled with questions...4: If Ruth Graham doesn't know, who does?...5: Demonically tainted...
Part 2 is divided into three parts:1: The Way Tree & Rock of Ages2: Word Over the World Ambassador Program3: Way Corps Program
Part 3 is divided into five parts1: Way Home number one...2: I meet "the man of God..."3: By revelation from God, under the giant blue-and-white-striped big top boasted as the largest in the world...4: Keep it in the family...5: Splinter extraction...
It's about the abortion.
And I have been stuck since then. This stuckness has happened in this same place of my story each time I've attempted this project.
Though my other Way Corps years are difficult to write about, I'm not as dumbstruck beginning in 1980 when I AWOLed from the Way Corps, abandoning my post and the WOW Ambassadors under my so-called leadership. I left them high and dry, like a Judas betrayal.