August 18, 2011

Just pick one thing...

Two posts in one day. Ha.

I've had a rough day today, emotionally.

Seems that happens when I take a day off work. My mind has a tendency to get caught in a loop. Instead of out walking dogs in various loops, my thoughts loop.

Yes, I 'know' what to do to get out of loops. Yet, sometimes I feel paralyzed in the loop. I end up frittering away time with nervous tension, ruminating, and depression and such. I have to talk myself through the next task.

"Carol get up. Carol get dressed. Yes, you are 7 hours behind where you had said you wanted to be around this time today, but that's o.k. It's not the end of the world. Go look at that to-do list of the things you said you wanted to accomplish today. Pick one thing, just one. Do that one. And if that's all you get done, it's o.k.

You are not a bad person Carol. Sometimes you're just too dang hard on yourself."

From my list? I chose to continue painting a board on which to hang lots of keys. Over a week ago, or maybe two, I painted the board with it's umpteen nails already in tact. I used a brush and some yellow paint left over from when we had the laundry room painted. Today I spray painted with purple over the yellow...using stenciled alphabet letters and door knob keys to produce shapes of letters and shapes of keys....dusting purple here and there.

Simple stuff.

Some of the purple paint ran a little down the keyboard. Other paint stayed in tact. Either way was fine with me.

I like purple. On my window sill in my kitchen I have a miniature art block piece painted in shades of purple with the figure of a non-gendered human leaning over and picking a flower. Around the edges of the block a quote is hand-printed, a quote from the movie The Color Purple: I think it pisses God off when you walk by the color purple in a field and don't notice it.

Next goal for the board for keys? To hang it. Hopefully this weekend.

I'll have to use the drill.

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