Some may say, "Knapp is inconsequential. What he states really makes no difference." And that is probably true. Yet, my life still has residual effects due to Knapp's past abuses. I cannot speak for any others who experienced his mistreatments.
Will he again act out at some point within his new circle of influence? Maybe; maybe not; maybe he already has. From my experience and from what I've been told, Knapp somehow manages to erase his past misdeeds and weasel out of accountability for his words and actions.
The following are a couple more current falsehoods Knapp states. It's just semantics, of course.
- An article entitled Musicians Kimmie & Johnny Catch on with 'Cowpunk' in a June, 2013, issue of the Indianapolis Monthly states that John M. Knapp (aka Johnny Profane) "...worked as a therapist counseling cult survivors, although he eventually lost his license due to a lawsuit."
- Johnny Profane (John M. Knapp) states on Twitter and elsewhere that he is a "defrocked therapist" indicating that his license to practice therapy in the mental health field as a social worker was revoked.
Knapp is not "defrocked" nor has he "lost his license" nor was there ever a "lawsuit" resulting in said loss of license.
As of 9/12/13, Knapp is still listed as a Licensed Master Social worker in NY state, but his status is "NOT REGISTERED." (*See screen shot below.) "NOT REGISTERED" does not mean that his license is revoked. It means that Knapp didn't re-register and that his "registration has lapsed without explanation." Without registration he cannot legally practice as a social worker; but he has not "lost his license" nor been "defrocked." If he had lost his license, his status would read "LICENSE SUSPENDED," "LICENSE REVOKED," or "LICENSE SURRENDERED." Could he re-register if he tried? I do not know. I would hope not.
There was never a lawsuit against Knapp regarding his therapeutic services. In October, 2010, I filed an official complaint with NY state, a complaint is not a lawsuit. The complaint was investigated and NY state's Office of Professions then informed Knapp of its findings and proposed charges. In November, 2012, a hearing was held before Knapp's Licensing Board. Knapp did not show for the hearing. As of yet, no determination from the state has been declared regarding any disciplinary action against Knapp or regarding Knapp's license. It is possible that no disciplinary action will be taken against Knapp.
Regarding any lawsuits against Knapp: in September, 2011, a small claims suit was filed in NY against Knapp by one of Knapp's previous employees for non-payment to said employee. The employee won the case, and Knapp was served the judgement. Within a week or so of being served, Knapp skipped state without ever paying that employee or responding to the judgement. To my knowledge, that is the only "suit" filed against Knapp. It did not result in losing his social worker license.
I guess by advertising that he is "defrocked," Knapp may want to impress that he is a rebel who bucks the system. If he advertises about the real "suit" (as small as it was) where he never paid a previous employee...well now, that might just give the wrong impression.
*Screen shot as of 9/12/13 from the NY State Office of the Professions Verification Searches online public site:
February, 2014, update: On January 14, 2014, NY state reached it's ruling. Knapp was found guilty of professional misconduct; including negligence, incompetence, on more than one occasion, and unprofessional conduct. His license was revoked. Link to ruling on the NYS website: LINK (Click Enforcement Actions for full report.)
It amazes me how these vipers operate and slip out of one skin into another and continue to distribute their poison. Sooner or later "Johnny Profanes" misdeeds are going to catch up with him, but that doesn't help those he has abused. These snakes are psychopaths who relish harming humanity. It makes one wonder what they see when they peer into a mirror...evil with horns?
Hmm...sounds like he has the people skills TJ at Gunnison had. Took people YEARS to get over his cruelty, me included but also others.
It baffles my mind too. I think some of Profane's previous misdeeds have caught up with him. But, he just dons another mask. Eventually, maybe these folks run out of masks. But I wonder if they have the ability to stop the masking. I understand human error and even when abuses happen. The non-accountability, pretending 'nothing' ever happened, and having what appears to be no empathy regarding their misdeeds baffle my brain cells - even after reading and reading about the psychopathic personality/character.
I think their mirror image might just see a beautiful being looking back at them...stroking them and telling them just how magnificent and superior they are. *shiver*
I can imagine those stories and recall some of what you told me...not the details, but the feelings of humiliation and degradation. Do you know whether or not TJ ever owned up to any of his abuses?
I posted in a *comment on another blog something that I don't think I've ever posted on toss & ripple. It's about an art project idea I've thought about in regard to Knapp. I think I'll change the title to "Knapp Sack TJ Award."
*My art idea:
"During my therapy with my former [...] cult-recovery therapist, I painted a self-portrait on a ceramic cup and saucer which was then fired in a kiln. After the initial verbal/emotional abuse in 2010, I thought about just discarding the cup and saucer in the trash. But I didn’t; I have thrown away Way stuff that I wish now I had kept. So I hung onto the cup and saucer, never using them and letting them sit in my cabinet where they still reside.
After the 2011 online lies, diatribes, & attempted character assassination about me from [my] former [...] cult-recovery therapist, I thought about making miniature mosaics out of the cup and saucer. I’d smash them and then design mosaic miniature abstract limp penises on small blocks. I’d entitled the series 'Knapp Sacks.' "
Well, you know what they say...
There are lies, damn lies, statistics, and semantics.
(And then there are knapp-sacks.)
Oops, sorry.
That was me above. ;)
You rock Claudia!!
I think he has finally gone off the deep end. At least he's doing something no one takes seriously,
At one time, I approached Johnny to form a non-profit to help former cult members find help. He thought it was a good idea but not the best time to start it.
Then Johnny got serious and asked me and a few others to join him in a non-profit. Soon after I got the ball rolling, Johnny asked me to be director. That lasted two weeks. I received a recommendation from one of Johnny's old pals and a prominent business person that there were some issues with the non-profit's structure.
After relaying that to Johnny, I found myself giving a "voluntary" resignation. Actually, he told me to go form my own non-profit. Strange request as I approached him to form the CHSCA in the first place.
Since then Johnny sent me a packet, trying to get me to join their board. Yes, after he fired me, he wanted me to be on the board. I stalled on it.
Meanwhile, another advisory board member called me. That person was pissed about some things Johnny posted without the member's approval or knowledge. The member asked if I could track J down. I couldn't as J was on his way to Indy with his new gal but somehow, J got in touch with the member anyway and did correct the problem.
So I guess my being "fired" was nothing more than semantics and whatever you want to call what the board members believed, I think it's good the CHSCA is gone and there are still good people in the anti-cult movement.
Hey Mike,
Thanks for reading and sharing part of your experience.
IMO, Knapp knows exactly what he is doing (or at least knows what he wants to accomplish) and, IMO, he is a sociopathic conman. Hopefully, his new circle(s) will be able to see through any of his cons and the various masks that Knapp adapts. At least he appears to currently not be providing professional counsel.
Just to clarify the timeline regarding the previous Board Member (whom I'll refer to as Member). Member tried to reach Knapp in July, 2011. Knapp would not respond. Then someone who knew Member posted on Knapp's FB page to contact Member. (At the time Member did not have a FB account. Knapp appeared to be living on FB at the time publicly carrying out his love affair with his new girlfriend.) Knapp then contacted Member in July after the person posted on Knapp's FB page. There is more to the situation regarding Member's split with Knapp, but I am not at liberty to share that information. It was a six to eight weeks later (in September) that Knapp skipped New York state and fled to Indiana.
Two other people have shared with me privately that Knapp also plagiarized them in previous years. And a few have shared with me how they felt "used" by Knapp. Part of your situation sounds like Knapp's standard operating procedure; ie: take an idea of someone else & then claim it as his unique idea (or something like that).
Yes, there are some good folks in the anti-cult community. For that I am thankful.
Thanks again Mike.
Happy Autumn!.
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