September 9, 2013

The WOW Handbook: Dear WOW Ambassador

The 'Ministry' year was 1980-81. I was 21 years old. I had been commissioned as a Word Over the World (WOW) Ambassador to serve for one year in Torrington, Connecticut.

The first wave of WOW Ambassadors was commissioned around 1971. To my recollection 'Doctor' developed the WOW program based, at least in part, on his experience when he went to India in 1955-1956. Bishop K.C. Pillai had previously shared with 'Doctor' that the people in India would be open and ready to receive the power of God, and the bishop personally invited 'Doctor' to come and see. 'Doctor' and Mrs. sold all their belongings, entrusted their new born youngest child at the time to Grandma, and sailed to India to witness the power of God in manifestation unlike they had seen in the States due to "unbelief the American churches." Their trip included stops in other countries. They left the USA in September, 1955, and returned in April, 1956.

The 'Ministry' year was 1980-81. I was 21 years old. I had been commissioned as a Word Over the World (WOW) Ambassador to serve for one year in Torrington, Connecticut.

'Dr.' Wierwille was a gentle fatherly figure. He was kind; understanding; accepting; humble; honest; a giver; a teacher; a servant; one who heard the still small voice of God; one whose life was a "living sacrifice" as stated in Romans 12; one who believed and taught that people are to be loved, not used. I believed he loved me as an individual. I didn't believe he was perfect; he was just a man prone to temptations like all of us. But he believed the Word. His life was "the Word, the Word, the Word, and nothing but the Word." He was the man of God of the world for our day and time just like the Apostle Paul had been for his day and time.

The 'Ministry' year was 1980-81. I was 21 years old. I had been commissioned as a Word Over the World (WOW) Ambassador to serve for one year in Torrington, Connecticut.

On the opening page of the 1980-81 WOW hand book is a letter from 'Doctor' to all us WOWs. He sometimes addressed us as his 'kids.'

Dear WOW Ambassador:

God bless and greetings in the wonderful name of our living lord and savior, Jesus Christ.

Welcome to the wonderful family of God's frontline spiritual athletes.

Your one-year commitment as a WOW is destined to bless your life as long as you live. You only, by your believing, can make this the greatest year of your life.

I stand with you believing for God's divine benediction and blessing upon your life. I expect to see you radiating the greatness of the love of God and the power of His holy spirit. You will make the Word live as a WOW to the extent that you live in the Word.

God bless. I love you. Remember, you are the best.

In His service,

Victor Paul Wierwille

The 'Ministry' year was 1980-81. I was 21 years old. I had been commissioned as a Word Over the World (WOW) Ambassador to serve for one year in Torrington, Connecticut.

Unknown to myself and most of the Way 'saints,' 'Doctor' was busy gifting rings to certain women on his private motor coach. As the man of God he was under a lot of pressure. He had needs, sexual needs. After all, it was the age of grace; believers were free in Christ.


Anna Maria said...

These unholy charlatans are what they are...the Devil's advocates...who use the "word of God" to charm their way in to doing whatever their penis desires. It's not just in The's in a lot of religious organizations. That is why I have come to believe organized Abrahamic religion is the curse of the earth. I think I truly started believing that the day I ran out of a rectory after a stupid priest attempted to molest me. Sometimes we have to learn lessons the hard way,,. having it seared into our brain. May you find peace with the knowledge you have learned Carol. It takes a while but it happens after you realize it was not you fault in any way and refuse to allow it to hurt you anymore.

oneperson said...

I like how you state, "...charlatans...who use the "word of God" to charm their way in to doing whatever their penis desires."

It appears quite rampant in religious orgs. I tend to think that those who holler from the bully pulpit the most about the sins of sex may be the ones committing such acts.
I struggled a bit with this blog post...editing and re-editing. I almost lost the essence of what I was trying to convey.

When I write these type pieces, I tend to go back and forth with my tenses (such as is/was) in the piece. Grammatically I probably break lost of rules. I want to convey what I thought/felt at the time certain experiences occurred. I really thought 'Dr.' Wierwille was a wonderful man, until some decades later when I learned from first-hand victims of Wierwille's abuses. I don't despise the man, and sometime I feel guilty that I don't despise him; I think I 'should' despise him.
I've pretty much made peace with Way stuff.

I haven't yet made peace regarding the stuff with my former jackass cult-recovery therapist. I do still despise him...and feel a bit guilty that I feel such contempt toward him still. Yet, it is what it is.

Process. Process.

Thank you Anna!