My interim-year Way Corps assignment was Word Over the World Ambassador Team Coordinator. Our team consisted of two WOW families. We were assigned to a small town in northern Connecticut - Torrington.
This '80-'81 WOW year would be my 2nd time serving as a WOW Ambassador with The Way. I had previously served in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in 1978-1979.
Our WOW handbook measured 8-1/2 inches by 5-1/2 inches.
The cover is pale green. Inside the cover are 8 pages directing us on our duties and functions as a WOW. Most of my pages are filled with my personal notes written long hand in the margins. The booklet is held together by two staples.
According to my notes on the cover of my hand book, in 1980-81, 1876 WOW Ambassadors were "commissioned" from The Way International's August Rock of Ages Festival. On the third page, the hand book states, "Who is a WOW Ambassador?"
"You as a Way believer make a one-year out-an-out commitment to give yourself as an Ambassador for God on special assignment to hold forth the integrity and accuracy of God's Word. As a WOW Ambassador you are ready and willing to serve in any area you are needed. Share with others what God did for you and what God will do for them also."
At the bottom of this third page, I have a hand written note - a quote from Dr. Wierwille:
'The only way to get you out of your [WOW] family, is to kill you and carry you out!' VPW"
'Doctor' didn't mean that literally of course; it was a figurative statement as to the gravity of our commitment as WOWs. We were sold out, "bond slaves for the Lord Jesus Christ" to stay faithful to our WOW commitment for one year, no matter what.
"...And you had the time
So you signed on the line
You decided to be an Ambassador
God loves you His faithful Ambassador"
(From The Ambassador Song)
Pay my vows.
Faithfulness. Commitment.
Pay my vows.
Faithfulness. Commitment.
Pay my vows.
But I didn't pay my vows.
I didn't stay faithful.
I AWOLed in October, 1980, after less that two months on the field.
I abruptly deserted my post.
I abandoned my WOW team.
I disgraced my Way Corps commitment.
My words were not salted.
In my mind, there wasn't much more of a despicable act.
In my mind, I had committed a Judas betrayal.
Dark days.
The years that followed, I would try to redeem myself only to fail again.
The "Ministry" year was 1980-1981. I was 21 years old.
My blog entries about The WOW Handbook*~*~
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