November 20, 2015


From the hidden archives

July 22, 2015

I seldom write these days.

But I think about it often.
What to write about...
Or later......
Or maybe someday.

If I do write, dare I display it?
Who would read it?
Who will it offend?

It will always offend someone, even though I don't like offending people.
I don't like conflict.
Offense is conflict.
And then there's defense.


As I rode my bike today, my thoughts meandered to one of my often-thought-about subjects.
I have become somewhat asocial, in a sense.
Not anti-social.
But asocial, not social.
I seldom seek the company of others.
I often analyze how I have come to this place of solitude.

Perhaps solitude is the wrong word.
I'm not a monk or a hermit.

But I am alone often, but not really alone because people are all around.
Alone in their giant tin cans on wheels.
Talking on their phones or listening to music.
But not live music, recorded music.

Before the gramophone, all music was live.
People picked up instruments and made music.
People sang and whistled and hummed.

That is something else I often think about.
As I ride my bicycle alone on the Greenway.
With music playing into one ear.
Songs coming from my cell phone to my Blue tooth via satellite from Pandora which creates algorithms according to songs I have preselected.
I don't know what an algorithm is, but it's a fun word to say.

Sometimes I choose to turn off the algorithmically-selected music.
I take the ear bud out of my ear.
I let birds sing to me.
And the leaves.
And the breeze.

And people occasionally pass by.
We always nod to one another, and sometimes speak.
A couple days ago a biker caught me dancing beside the trail as I listened to the music playing through my earbud that only I could here.
He laughed heartily.
I did too.

See, I'm not anti-social.


Anna Maria said...

No Carol, you are not anti-social. Not sure if I am or not. I spend a lot of time alone but it's by preference. I've never been a social butterfly and the things I like to do, read, write, and paint, require all my attention. I love being with close family and friends but for the most part, I was simply born a loner who loves to contemplate the wonders of the Universe in silence. Seems I never run out of things to "think" about and the best revelations come to me when I'm alone to do that. I love your writing, it makes me think and envision.

Zoe said...

While hiking this month I said to Biker Dude: "You know what bothers me?" And he said, "The noise from the leaves?" (The area inundated with the shed of this fall's fashion line . . . dried oak leaves galore.) He knows I'm sensitive to sound. In that moment I listened closely. My goodness that relentless crunch crunch crunch as we hiked along. It is loud. Why isn't it bothering me? I thought to myself. Interesting. "No" I responded. "They are loud but no I didn't even hear them until you mentioned it. It's the traffic on the roadway at the edge of the hiking trail. That noise bothers me." He nodded his head and we carried on.

I am a totally different creature in nature Carol. Think you are too. :) Anna Maria too by the sounds of it. I don't see you as asocial but one who can capitalize on it when needed to take care of yourself. Isn't that what a lot of us do? But in your element you seem very social. Thinking of your encounters with others on the trail. I'm with you in the dance too. I often break into dance (a rather rough-shod non-classical form) LOL! and it's usually brief but in that moment I smile and the whole world smiles back. Naturally rarely am I spotted except for family who warns me not to hurt myself. rotflol

I too am a fan of your writing.

oneperson said...

"Seems I never run out of things to "think" "....that's me too!

I seldom get bored. And seldom ever use the word 'bored.'

I am a procrastinator though...especially when it comes to paperwork. I almost despise it. Maybe it bores me! lol

Thanks for the kind words Anna... <3

...and for all your sharings. Filled with wisdom, they are. :)

oneperson said...

Oh, I hate traffic din! When we were looking for a house to buy, at different times of day I'd spend time outside a potential new home so as to monitor the traffic din. If there was too much, it was a no-go. I would not invest money near traffic din!

We hear a little where we live now, but it isn't constant and it's far enough away that it doesn't bother me much. the late summer and early fall...the crickets and cicadas and tree frogs sing so loudly, we barely hear any traffic.

The woods are definitely my element. But, if I had to live in them for 6 months straight, I might be pining to get out. :D Maybe not pining...but needing a change of scenery.

You hit the nail on the far as my recent retreat since the end of 2014. I just dropped out of so much, for necessity and survival. My only focus was keeping my limbs moving until my next injections. I've been able to come out of my shell some, with the improvement I'm experiencing.

And now as I write this brain is veering into one of the things I want to write about which isn't just one thing...and I have probably already written about it, maybe multiple times...about what life has been like since the beginning of I've music and trees and my bike have been so vital to it felt in July when my limbs came back to life and all the trees applauded my brain tricks itself and I flip bad circumstances to make them more tolerable...and more ramblings of whatever else might fall out now that my brain seems to be coming back to life too... whew! :D

Lol regarding your dancing!
Sporadic dancers unite! :D

Thanks Zoe....
...and for your writing too...feelings are likewise. <3