November 17, 2015

Drug 'bout some doodle pads?

I'm writing again.
I often think about writing.
So much to share.

Not enough words.
Not enough pictures.
Not enough time.

That's how it seems.

But I really don't believe that.
I choose to believe that there are ample words and pictures and even, time.
Perhaps that is a delusion on my part, or an illusion.

Reminds me of the time when I realized that I do not manage time.
I move through time.
I manage my responses.

As I've started to blog again the past few weeks, I've been reviewing past posts.
It's fascinating to me!
Which makes me laugh.

I am so glad I know how to write and that I have a record of events.
When satellites crash, all my internet writings will crash with them.
Perhaps, maybe, one day, I'll get around to a hard copy form of the more pertinent entries.
One day in the future, I might have some distant relative or progeny take an interest in this ancestor.

In the last year, about the only thing I've been writing are notes and records regarding my health.
Beginning some time in 2014, I started regularly typing my notes for the two doctors who help me manage my care.
One is my neurologist.
The other is my chiropractor who I see for nutrition and functional medicine and, occasionally, for chiropractic.

I usually print three hard copies of my notes.
One for the each doc and one for me.

Up until June, 2015, my notes were 'just the facts mam.'
No frills.
No emotion, that I can recall.
Just stats and symptoms and patterns and responses.

Then in June, 2015, I started to see improvement in my symptoms.
And, my notes started exploding a bit...with exclamations of ecstasy! :D
I now label it the "good stuff."

On November 2, 2015, I had to see Neurologist for an in-between-epidurals appointment.

While I waited in the examining room, I reread my notes.
I wrote a couple more items that I had forgotten to list in the typed notes.
And I doodled on the "Good Stuff" section.

I doodled a mountain scene on Neurologist's copy.
He liked it, this artful addition to the "Good Stuff" text.

When he spied my copy and its doodles which were different from his, he really liked those.
"Wow. Look at yours! You've got some talent."
That made me laugh.

You know those pharmacy reps that visit doctor offices and leave note pads and Kleenex and pens and clever little figurines and pamphlets and free drugs?

Well, I think they should donate doodle pads and drawing pens around the waiting and examining rooms.
The doctor's office could have a bulletin board for those who want to share their doodles.
A board filled with patient doodles.

Doodles for wellness....


Anna Maria said...

Great idea Carol, though not sure my doctor would like my doodles if i'm made to wait too long. Yours are great! I am a habitual doodler. Way back when we used to cover school books with brown paper bags mine wouldn't have a space left to doodle in a very short time. Keep up the great work!

oneperson said...

Up until this past appointment, I don't recall doodling while I wait. I usually read or talk to other patients in the waiting room.

Now I'm gonna add doodling to my patient waiting at appointments.

Thanks for the encouragement Anna! <3