Dump One
October 28, 2015, marked the day when ten years ago I officially left The Way.
But the bigger milestone than that 10-year anniversary is: I've now spent half my life as non-Way and half as loyal-Way; 28 years 'in,' 28 years 'out.' I'm at ground zero, so to speak.
I'm 56 years young. I got involved with The Way in Fall, 1977, at 18 years old. I 'left' The Way in Fall, 2005, at 46 years old.
28 in; 28 out.
It's kind of like I've been born again. *biggrin*
I say "officially" left because on the afternoon of October 28, 2005, Hubby was on the phone in the kitchen and I was on the bedroom phone. On the other end of the line on two different phone extensions, were the husband-and-wife team whom we had served with for the previous seven or so years. At that time they served as the state and region coordinators. I was letting them know I was leaving.
"Unofficially" I'd been 'leaving' The Way for at least eight years prior to October 28, 2005.
In a sense, I'm still unofficially 'leaving.'
Dump Two
The Way always stated (and probably still does) that a person can't "join" The Way, that there are no "members" other than the Board of Directors/Trustees. Right! *sarcasm*
All a follower has to do is commit her soul and her marriage and her family and her finances and her time and her identity to become likeminded and grow into the "new man" and live love according to The Word. The Word says to demolish your human logic and every imagination that exalts itself against the knowledge of God and bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. The only way to have the knowledge of God is through God's rightly-divided Word, the Bible, of which there is only one right interpretation according to whom it is written and the context and various layers and nuanced definitions; otherwise, it's not rightly-divided. That Word is the end and the beginning of knowledge. Whatever does not line up with that standard is, at the least, unproductive evil; at the worst, destructive evil.
But you can't join The Way.
So no worries! (another *sarcasm*)
I once believed all that.
I don't anymore.
It tires me to think about it!
So I mostly think about other things these days.
Dump Three
One thing I'm thinking about is closing toss & ripple. By closing I really mean going dormant. I'd disable 'comments' and leave the blog be. I've thought about really 'closing' it from all public view, but other folks have links to entries which I think are important. I don't want those links to disappear.
How about yet another blog? I don't know. Most of my other start-ups end up flat because I don't post on them.
Nice thing is, I can choose.
Dump Four
Wow, what a concept.
I remind myself regularly that I have freedom (at least in part) to choose...not according to another's dictates, whether that "another" be person or spirit or holy writ. I can choose based on what I deem important and/or desirable, on what will energize me and make life meaningful. I can choose based on the collective knowledge and experience and genetic code and whatever else is all wrapped inside, including intuition.
Dump Five
My health is faring well comparatively.
Except that the nerve damage moved into the nape of my neck on the right side on 10/26/15. I don't feel like typing out the details which includes the pattern over the last few years. But it scared and scares me. I ended up at Dr. Neurologist yesterday and got around 10 shots in my neck; it's 3 syringes, but around 10 pokes. I have a headache today. But Doc is good and quick with that needle.
From 9/22 through 10/17, I stayed at 1.25 mg of daily prednisone and was able to function. That hasn't happened since July, 2011, when I started taking daily prednisone. (I had to increase my daily dose beginning 10/18/15 which is a typical pattern in my 12-week cycles. I received my epidural and neck shots on 9/21.)
I was more social in October than I've been in the whole past year put together. It's time I back off again. And that's okay.
Between 9/24 and 10/24, I biked 243 miles over 23 different days. My goal was 600 miles this 12 weeks. But weather and now my neck condition and business workload are probably going to make that non-doable. And that's okay. It's been raining heavily again this week.
I can still pedal my bike standing up, and I can still clap my hands.
I'm still on tap for my lumbar epidural and more shots in the neck on December 14. But, I'll get less medicine in the doses. That upcoming round of injections is kind of scary too. I'll have to prepare a bit differently.
Dump Six
I love to ride my bike. It's my new passion and a good one. I could dedicate a blog site to my bike Olivia, and I'd include my 1999 Ford Explorer, Sir Edward.
At the top of my fullness-of-life rides is where I road on October 12 - the Railroad Grade Road between Fleetwood and Todd, NC, in the Blue Ridge Mountains. It was a big day for me; to ride 20 miles on a paved road where cars drive; to ride in this strange place alone, though it wasn't really strange because I was with the trees and the river and the wildlife and my mountains. Though there are cars and trucks, they are few and drivers are biker friendly. I still felt somewhat naked along the road, exposed, vulnerable. Yet awed by the beauty.
At the top of my whew-that-was-close rides is my October 20th Salem Lake trip. A big, beautiful German shepherd lunged me as I was cycling by he and his walker. I figure I was going 7 to 9 miles an hour. I felt his top tooth hit my knee as he pulled away ripping my pants; he didn't break the skin. I pedaled faster to get away as I stuck my hand in the torn hole checking my knee for blood.
The dog was on a leash. Since I wasn't hurt I didn't turn back. I did warn three approaching cyclists; two of those were elderly. If I see that dog out there again, I'll have to dismount and talk to the walker. Hopefully, the owner has sense enough to not allow that dog where there are bikes.
The Salem Lake trail is a 7-mile, dirt, loop, road around Salem Lake. The dirt road is about the width to fit one and one-half cars. Only authorized motorized vehicles are allowed and are seldom seen. Walkers, cyclists, dogs on leashes, horses are all allowed. I've ridden the loop at least 35 times since the spring.
Dump Seven
On October 1st, I finally put flowers on my parent's gravesite. Dad died in 1996 and Mom in 2009. I selected the flowers and greenery and fruit, and arranged them myself. I like how the arrangement turned out. I think Mom and Dad would too.

Before visiting Mom and Dad's gravesite, I stopped in at the Catawba County Museum of History. It was fascinating going through the exhibits looking for names I knew; the polio camp; prohibition; pottery and arts; and all sorts of stuff. I bought a book for my daughter from the bookstore; she requested a copy over a year ago. A photo of most of Mom's family takes up a whole page in that book. The boys are missing; I think because they were serving in the war.
After I visited Mom and Dad, I met up with an ex-Way friend whom I hadn't seen since the early 1980s; she left The Way in the latter '80s. We "got in the Word" together in 1977. About five years later, she moved to the west coast and just moved back east this past year. Her 5-or-6-year-old granddaughter joined us for supper. We ate at Mellow Mushroom where a balloon lady just happened to be spreading smiles; she made a lady bug for Friend's granddaughter. Friend's daughter, whom I hadn't seen since she was a toddler, stopped by after supper to pick up her daughter who proudly showed Mom her lady bug.
That was quite a day.
Stepping back in time.
On the way home Pandora chose Forever Young to play through my Explorer speakers.
Bob Dylan was singing.
Pandora is god. *biggrin*
Forever Young
Bob Dylan
May God bless and keep you always
May your wishes all come true
May you always do for others
And let others do for you
May you build a ladder to the stars
And climb on every rung
May you stay forever young
Forever young, forever young
May you stay forever young.
May you grow up to be righteous
May you grow up to be true
May you always know the truth
And see the lights surrounding you
May you always be courageous
Stand upright and be strong
May you stay forever young
Forever young, forever young
May you stay forever young.
May your hands always be busy
May your feet always be swift
May you have a strong foundation
When the winds of changes shift
May your heart always be joyful
And may your song always be sung
May you stay forever young
Forever young, forever young
May you stay forever young.
I say "officially" left because on the afternoon of October 28, 2005, Hubby was on the phone in the kitchen and I was on the bedroom phone. On the other end of the line on two different phone extensions, were the husband-and-wife team whom we had served with for the previous seven or so years. At that time they served as the state and region coordinators. I was letting them know I was leaving.
"Unofficially" I'd been 'leaving' The Way for at least eight years prior to October 28, 2005.
In a sense, I'm still unofficially 'leaving.'
Dump Two
The Way always stated (and probably still does) that a person can't "join" The Way, that there are no "members" other than the Board of Directors/Trustees. Right! *sarcasm*
All a follower has to do is commit her soul and her marriage and her family and her finances and her time and her identity to become likeminded and grow into the "new man" and live love according to The Word. The Word says to demolish your human logic and every imagination that exalts itself against the knowledge of God and bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. The only way to have the knowledge of God is through God's rightly-divided Word, the Bible, of which there is only one right interpretation according to whom it is written and the context and various layers and nuanced definitions; otherwise, it's not rightly-divided. That Word is the end and the beginning of knowledge. Whatever does not line up with that standard is, at the least, unproductive evil; at the worst, destructive evil.
But you can't join The Way.
So no worries! (another *sarcasm*)
I once believed all that.
I don't anymore.
It tires me to think about it!
So I mostly think about other things these days.
Dump Three
One thing I'm thinking about is closing toss & ripple. By closing I really mean going dormant. I'd disable 'comments' and leave the blog be. I've thought about really 'closing' it from all public view, but other folks have links to entries which I think are important. I don't want those links to disappear.
How about yet another blog? I don't know. Most of my other start-ups end up flat because I don't post on them.
Nice thing is, I can choose.
Dump Four
Wow, what a concept.
I remind myself regularly that I have freedom (at least in part) to choose...not according to another's dictates, whether that "another" be person or spirit or holy writ. I can choose based on what I deem important and/or desirable, on what will energize me and make life meaningful. I can choose based on the collective knowledge and experience and genetic code and whatever else is all wrapped inside, including intuition.
Dump Five
My health is faring well comparatively.
Except that the nerve damage moved into the nape of my neck on the right side on 10/26/15. I don't feel like typing out the details which includes the pattern over the last few years. But it scared and scares me. I ended up at Dr. Neurologist yesterday and got around 10 shots in my neck; it's 3 syringes, but around 10 pokes. I have a headache today. But Doc is good and quick with that needle.
From 9/22 through 10/17, I stayed at 1.25 mg of daily prednisone and was able to function. That hasn't happened since July, 2011, when I started taking daily prednisone. (I had to increase my daily dose beginning 10/18/15 which is a typical pattern in my 12-week cycles. I received my epidural and neck shots on 9/21.)
I was more social in October than I've been in the whole past year put together. It's time I back off again. And that's okay.
Between 9/24 and 10/24, I biked 243 miles over 23 different days. My goal was 600 miles this 12 weeks. But weather and now my neck condition and business workload are probably going to make that non-doable. And that's okay. It's been raining heavily again this week.
I can still pedal my bike standing up, and I can still clap my hands.
I'm still on tap for my lumbar epidural and more shots in the neck on December 14. But, I'll get less medicine in the doses. That upcoming round of injections is kind of scary too. I'll have to prepare a bit differently.
Dump Six
I love to ride my bike. It's my new passion and a good one. I could dedicate a blog site to my bike Olivia, and I'd include my 1999 Ford Explorer, Sir Edward.
At the top of my fullness-of-life rides is where I road on October 12 - the Railroad Grade Road between Fleetwood and Todd, NC, in the Blue Ridge Mountains. It was a big day for me; to ride 20 miles on a paved road where cars drive; to ride in this strange place alone, though it wasn't really strange because I was with the trees and the river and the wildlife and my mountains. Though there are cars and trucks, they are few and drivers are biker friendly. I still felt somewhat naked along the road, exposed, vulnerable. Yet awed by the beauty.
Olivia along the New River. Railroad Grade Road. Fleetwood, NC. |
At the top of my whew-that-was-close rides is my October 20th Salem Lake trip. A big, beautiful German shepherd lunged me as I was cycling by he and his walker. I figure I was going 7 to 9 miles an hour. I felt his top tooth hit my knee as he pulled away ripping my pants; he didn't break the skin. I pedaled faster to get away as I stuck my hand in the torn hole checking my knee for blood.
~whew, that was close~ |
The dog was on a leash. Since I wasn't hurt I didn't turn back. I did warn three approaching cyclists; two of those were elderly. If I see that dog out there again, I'll have to dismount and talk to the walker. Hopefully, the owner has sense enough to not allow that dog where there are bikes.
The Salem Lake trail is a 7-mile, dirt, loop, road around Salem Lake. The dirt road is about the width to fit one and one-half cars. Only authorized motorized vehicles are allowed and are seldom seen. Walkers, cyclists, dogs on leashes, horses are all allowed. I've ridden the loop at least 35 times since the spring.
Dump Seven
On October 1st, I finally put flowers on my parent's gravesite. Dad died in 1996 and Mom in 2009. I selected the flowers and greenery and fruit, and arranged them myself. I like how the arrangement turned out. I think Mom and Dad would too.
Before visiting Mom and Dad's gravesite, I stopped in at the Catawba County Museum of History. It was fascinating going through the exhibits looking for names I knew; the polio camp; prohibition; pottery and arts; and all sorts of stuff. I bought a book for my daughter from the bookstore; she requested a copy over a year ago. A photo of most of Mom's family takes up a whole page in that book. The boys are missing; I think because they were serving in the war.
After I visited Mom and Dad, I met up with an ex-Way friend whom I hadn't seen since the early 1980s; she left The Way in the latter '80s. We "got in the Word" together in 1977. About five years later, she moved to the west coast and just moved back east this past year. Her 5-or-6-year-old granddaughter joined us for supper. We ate at Mellow Mushroom where a balloon lady just happened to be spreading smiles; she made a lady bug for Friend's granddaughter. Friend's daughter, whom I hadn't seen since she was a toddler, stopped by after supper to pick up her daughter who proudly showed Mom her lady bug.
That was quite a day.
Stepping back in time.
On the way home Pandora chose Forever Young to play through my Explorer speakers.
Bob Dylan was singing.
Pandora is god. *biggrin*
Forever Young
Bob Dylan
May God bless and keep you always
May your wishes all come true
May you always do for others
And let others do for you
May you build a ladder to the stars
And climb on every rung
May you stay forever young
Forever young, forever young
May you stay forever young.
May you grow up to be righteous
May you grow up to be true
May you always know the truth
And see the lights surrounding you
May you always be courageous
Stand upright and be strong
May you stay forever young
Forever young, forever young
May you stay forever young.
May your hands always be busy
May your feet always be swift
May you have a strong foundation
When the winds of changes shift
May your heart always be joyful
And may your song always be sung
May you stay forever young
Forever young, forever young
May you stay forever young.
If I could write like you and Bob Dylan, I would be in heaven. (smile)
hahaha :D
I love you Denise!! <3
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