"Pages" and "posts" are published differently on Blogger. If I could change the "pages" to "posts" and redirect to the new links, I could display them differently. But I couldn't find a way to do that.
Then last night finally a solution came to me. However, I still lose two of the links. But one link would still be in tact. I decided I can live with that arrangement.
The link that has gotten the most hits is the "Complaint Overview." Even while my blog was not listed on search engines the last couple years, that link still got hits. So, I kept that page link in tact but changed the content of the page. The new content includes new links to the three previous "pages," which are now "posts." (I realize folks who don't blog, and maybe those who do, may not follow what I just typed, but that's the best I can do for now even though it's as clear as mud.)
Here's the link to the page with the new content: Therapist Abuse
I continue to work through the after-effects of the trauma endured from my relationship with John Knapp, I'm not the only client whom he preyed upon. At least now, he can no longer prey as a licensed mental health therapist.
I have again listed my blog on public search engines, at least for now.
On the surgery front:
At my September 28 post-op appointment, I got permission to start putting weight on my surgery leg. I'm now alternating between cane and walker. Other restrictions were lifted as well. No more wedge between my legs; I can change positions in my sleep. No more blood-clot-prevention belly injections. No more compression sock. I can begin using my leg as it gains strength and ability. The physical therapist will continue home visits through October 14. I then have an order for out-patient physical therapy at a clinic.
I received my cervical neck shots on Monday, 10/03. They should help some. My arms were getting bad and I couldn't lift them well at all. I receive my next epidural and more neck injections on 10/31. I'm eager to get back on track with addressing the (hopefully) continued improvement of the nerve damage. I am having dizziness again and I hope that clears soon. Thankfully, it only lasts a moment at a time upon rising and sitting/laying.
I'm pining to get back on my bike and ride the Greenways, but I have to wait until my walking is stable. That might take 'til sometime in December. I got some pedals to keep my feet a twirling. Maybe I'll name my pedaler Shirley...or Surely. lol
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