I named her The Phoenix, though sometimes "she" is a "he" or an "it" instead of a "she."
My plan is to be able to get more weight-bearing exercise with the walker, which is hard to do without the walker because I can't walk too far without my back getting too weak to continue.
My current goal is to walker 10 miles per week and bicycle at least 40 miles per week. I'll have to work up to both of those. In winter months, I may have to resort to mall-walkering and spinning indoors on my trainer, neither of which are appealing to me.
Right now, I walker on the Par Course which is about 4 miles from our home. I like it for a few reasons, one being, it's a dirt path instead of pavement..
The hip-healing is coming along nicely. I feel I'm on the other side of the woods in that regard.
I get my next epidural this afternoon. My appointment is at 4:00 PM. It will be #14 since January, 2014.
A friend shared with me what her friend, who has a walker decored with lights and bling, shared with her:
"Walkers are the new sexy."
Love the photos and your walkers name...you too will rise from the ashes. Keep taking those baby steps and they will eventually grow into giant steps. It sounds like you are making every effort to progress and I admire your tenacity. Much love on your journey.
Love that your walker has a seat so you can stop and rest when you need to. Glad for your progress! Hang in there!
So happy that it works for you. Yeh!
Anna! So good to "see" you!
Early last week I thunk to myself: "If I don't "see" Anna soon, I'm gonna email her."
I'm just sooooo slow these days to get to emails and other personal stuff outside of self-care. I know you understand how that is. <3 But I do want you to know that I've been thinking of you and wondering how you are doing? xo
Thanks for the kudos! I feel your love all the way from TX. <3
Thank you SP and Denise!!
<3 <3
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